Released: March 19, 1999 ====================================================================== Title : ArghRad Filename : arghrad.exe Version : 2.01 Author : Tim Wright Net Nick : Argh! Email Address : (comments, questions, bug reports, etc. welcome... flames aren't ;) ArghRad WWW : Description : Enhanced version of Qrad3: * Load textures from paks, supports optional mod dir * Better patch subdivision control * Sunlight options * Extensive light falloff control * New spotlight aiming methods * Negative lights/colors * Entity brush models can cast light, provides many more surface light options * Eliminates many qrad3 lighting bugs * Light unvised maps * Phong shading for simulating curves * More misc. options (note: Heretic2 support, and plugin effects have been postponed until the next major version) Requirements : Pentium, A Win32 operating system, and whatever the requirements are for id's Qrad3. Additional Credits to : id Software for original source. Ritual for FreeDirectLights() code Acknowledgments : Geoffrey DeWan for ideas from gddqrad3 (usage syntax kept for compatibility). Rich Tollerton, Janis Jagars, for ideas from their code used in Quake ArghLite. Michael Meadows for creating the ArghRad web site. Mr Elusive for major help on eliminating light bleeds. John Fitzgibbons for help on eliminating black-band & splotch sky/liquid light bugs Other Works by Author : ArghLite - enhanced Quake bsp lighting util Q2toWad - Q2 pak to wad texture extractor Doom3D - Q2 TC, webpage: ====================================================================== * Overview * Brief listing of options. See manual below for full details. Note: You may need to rename ARGHRAD.EXE to QRAD3.EXE to get it to work with some map editors. Command Line Options -------------------- -gamedir path - path to quake2\baseq2\ -moddir path - path to optional mod dir -nobmodlight - turn off entity brush model lighting -nocurve - turn off phong shading -nosplotchfix - turn off anti-splotch fix for normal surface light -nostopbleed - turn off light-bleed checking -nocolor - disable colored lighting, weighted results -nocoloru - disable colored lighting, unweighted results -chopcurve # - subdivide curve patches into size # units -choplight # - subdivide light patches into size # units -chopsky # - subdivide sky light patches into size # units -chopwarp # - subdivide warping light patches into size # units -ambienta # - global ambient brightness, absolute scale -minlight # - same as -ambient -minlighta # - same as -ambienta -maxlighta # - maximum light brightness, absolute scale -nominlimit - let negative light darken minlight -radmin # - sets the radiosity minimum transfer threshold -onlybounce - only save bounced light Map Entries ----------- worldspawn: "light" "#" - set ambient brightness to # "light" "# # #" - alternate form, separate RGB brightness "_ambient" "#" - same as "light" "_ambient" "# # #" - same as alternate form of "light" "_sun_light" "#" - set sun brightness to # "_sun" "target" - sun angle = spotlight pointing to target "_sun_target" "target" - same as "_sun" "_sun_angle" "# #" - set sun angle by yaw/pitch "_sun_mangle" "# #" - same as "_sun_angle" "_sun_vector" "# # #" - set sun angle by direction vector "_sun_color" "# # #" - set sun color "_sun_diffuse" "#" - diffuse light brightness "_sun_difwait" "#" - diffuse light attenuation "_sun_diffade" "#" - same as "_sun_difwait" (all the ABOVE sun keys can be prefixed by either _sun, _sun2, _sun3, or _sun4, allowing up to 4 separate suns) "_sun_ambient" "#" - set sun ambient brightness "_sun_ambient" "# # #" - alternate form, separate RGB brightness "_sun_surface" "#" - set sun surface brightness "_sun_surface" "# # #" - altername form, separate RGB brightness point lights: "light" "#" - # can be negative, casting darkness "_color" "# # #" - any # can be negative for mixed light/darkness "_mangle" "# #" - aim spots by yaw(0-360) & pitch(-90-90) "_spotangle" "# #" - same as "_mangle" "_spotvector" "# # #" - aim spotlights by direction vector "_spotpoint" "# # #" - aim spotlights at global coordinate point "_focus" "#" - cone attenuation for spotlights "_falloff" "#" - 0=linear, 1=inverse, 2=inverse square "_wait" "#" - light distance attenuation "_fade" "#" - same as "_wait" "_angwait" "#" - light angle attenuation "_angfade" "#" - same as "_angwait" bmodel lights: "light" "#" - force light-emitting faces use this brightness "_lightmin" "#" - minimum brightness for light-emitting faces "style" "#" - light-emitting faces use this style "_color" "# # #" - light-emitting faces use this color "_focus" "#" - similar to spotlights, in direction of face "_minlighta" "#" - like "_minlight", but uses absolute scale "_ambient" "#" - ambient brightness for bmodel "_ambient" "# # #" - alternate format, separate RGB values ====================================================================== * Manual * Texture Handling ---------------- -gamedir path ArghRad can be run from anywhere by using this command line option to specify the path to the baseq2 dir. -moddir path You can specify an extra mod dir to find textures with this option ("-moddir d:\games\quake2\ctf\" for example). If textures (or the colormap.pcx) aren't unpacked, ArghRad will search for them inside the pak files (up to 10 paks in gamedir or moddir). Search order is: moddir unpacked, moddir pak9.pak-pak0.pak, gamedir unpacked, gamedir pak9.pak-pak0.pak. Lighting Behavior ----------------- -nobmodlight ArghRad allows entity brush models to cast surface light (see that section for more details). Use this option to disable it. -nocurve By default, ArghRad will perform phong-shading on surfaces configured for it (see that section for more details). Use this option to disable it. -nosplotchfix Normally, ArghRad takes extra measures to reduce the "splotchy" lighting often seen near light-emitting surfaces. This can really improve the appearance of sky/warping surface lights, but might cause undesirable results with normal surface lights. This option disables these measures for normal surface lights (however, they are still always applied to sky/warping surfaces) -nostopbleed ArghRad defaults to using special checking to stop light from "bleeding" through solid walls. It can greatly improve the map's appearance, although it may cause occasional minor lighting distortions at brush edges. This option disables the checking if desired. (the qbsp3 -noweld option makes the light distortions much more obvious and frequent, if you must use -noweld then -nostopbleed is recommended) -nocolor Colored lighting can be disabled with this options. The RGB values are weighted according to B/W TV luminance (green brighter than red which is brighter than blue). -nocoloru Same as -nocolor, except the RGB values are unweighted (all the same brightness) -radmin # Radmin sets the transfer threshold for bounced light. It defaults to 0. Greater values can dramatically reduce memory usage and rendering time at the cost of quality. It is somewhat tricky to use, as it can change the lighting's appearance in unpredictable ways. Low values (<0.01) generally look best. -onlybounce This option tells ArghRad to only save the bounced light. It was added to help ArghRad development, and probably has little practical use in map making. Phong Shading ------------- ArghRad can use phong shading to simulate curved surfaces. This option is assigned to individual faces. To make ArghRad use phong shading on a face, give it a light value, but do NOT set the light flag. That face will be smoothed together with all touching faces that have the same value. Think of this value as a "curve ID tag". Try to use unique values for unconnected curves because that will speed up compiling. Note that Quake2 isn't exactly designed with curves in mind, and so you may see occasional "breaks" in the smooth lighting. Also, this shading has no affect on the in-game dynamic lights (like the blaster glow, etc). Patch Subdivision ----------------- Sometimes surface lighting can appear "blotchy", uneven. All surfaces are divided up into patches which are used to calculate light radiated from that surface. The default patch size is 64 units square. This could always be decreased with -chop for smoother lighting, but the cost in speed is huge, and increases the chance of qrad3 bombing with a MAX_PATCHES error. ArghRad provides new options to only subdivide specific types of surfaces. -chopcurve # This subdivides only surfaces configured for phong shading. Default is 32, or the -chop size, whichever is smaller. If your map has a very large number of curves, you may want to increase this value to speed things up and avoid the MAX_PATCHES error. -choplight # This subdivides only surfaces that emit light (except sky and warping textures). This can give much smoother lighting, with less slowdown. Default is the same size as -chop. -chopsky # Works like -choplight, but only on sky surfaces that emit light. This is a separate option because skies often cover large areas, and one might not wish to subdivide them as much. -chopwarp # Works like -choplight, but only for warping surfaces like water. Global Lighting --------------- The old -ambient and -maxlight work a bit strange. They require a decimal from 0 to 2 which is multiplied by 128 to get the brightness. -minlight # Just a new synonym for -ambient. -ambienta # -minlighta # These options are identical. These work on an absolute scale to set ambient light value (i.e. -ambienta 15 sets the ambient to 15) -maxlighta # Also works on an absolute scale to set maximum brightness. Ambient lighting can also be specified in the "worldspawn" entity. This adds the option of colored ambient light. "light" "#" "_ambient" "#" Sets the ambient brightness to #. "light" "# # #" "_ambient" "# # #" Alternate format, individually sets the red, green, and blue ambient brightness. By default, negative lights will not go darker then the minlight value. You can allow it to do so with the -nominlimit command line option. Sunlight -------- ArghRad provides options to create more realistic directional sunlight. Sunlight is cast from all light-emitting sky surfaces. That means these surfaces must have the light flag set, and a light value. The specific value isn't normally used, it just lets ArghRad know to cast sunlight from that surface. These keys are all placed in "worldspawn". Missing keys are filled in with defaults. If none of these keys exists, ArghRad uses normal surface lighting. "_sun_ambient" "#" Sets sun ambient brightness. This value is added to every point that can see the sky. The color is calculated from the colors of all of the suns. "_sun_ambient" "# # #" This alternate form explicitly specifies the red, green, and blue brightness of the ambient light. "_sun_surface" "#" Sets the brightness of sun surface lighting. This allows combining normal surface lighting with sunlight (which often looks nicer than _sun_ambient). The color is calculated from the colors of all the suns. If this value is set to 1.0, then the brightness values of the actual surfaces will be used instead. "_sun_surface" "# # #" This alternate form explicitly specifies the red, green, and blue brightnesses of the surface light. If all three values are less than or equal to 1.0, then it will be treated like an RGB color, and the brightness values of the actual surfaces will be used instead. The rest of the sun options can start with _sun, _sun2, _sun3, or _sun4, allowing up to four suns at once. The descriptions below all use _sun. "_sun_light" "#" Sets sun brightness. Distance does not affect sunlight. Defaults to 200. "_sun" "target" Target is name of an info_null. To set the angle, create a spotlight and target it at the same info_null. The sun angle will match the direction of the spotlight. "_sun_angle" "# #" "_sun_mangle" "# #" These options are identical. This sets the sun's angle by yaw and pitch, like "_spotangle" for spotlights. It is the direction that the sunlight is cast, not where the sun is in the sky. "_sun_vector" "# # #" This sets the sun's angle by a direction vector, like "_spotvector" for spotlights. See that entry for more details. "_sun_color" "# # #" This sets the color of the sun. Defaults to the color of the sky surface. "_sun_diffuse" "#" Sets the brightness of diffuse sunlight. This simulates sunlight on a hazy day by making it appear fuzzed out around the edges. This can't be brighter than "_sun_light". "_sun_difwait" "#" "_sun_diffade" "#" This scales the fade distance of diffuse sunlight. # > 1.0 makes it fade out faster, # < 1.0 makes it fade out slower. Note that decreasing -chopsky may be necessary to get acceptable results from larger #s. Do not put a sky surface on the same plane as a non-sky surface if they have a direct line of sight to each other. This can make sunlight work improperly there. As long as the direct line of sight is blocked by other brushes, this is not a problem. Negative Light -------------- Lights can cast darkness. Just use a negative value for the "light" key. Negative lights will only affect other lights of the same style. The "_color" key can also accept negative numbers for any of the values. This can even be used to mix light/dark casting from the same light. Light Attenuation ----------------- "_falloff" "#" This can change the falloff type of point lights. A value of 0 is linear (the default). 2 is inverse square, the same as surface lights. This appears much darker than linear falloff, so the brightness must be scaled accordingly. 1 is inverse, sort of a compromise between 0 and 2. "_wait" "#" "_fade" "#" These options are identical. For linear falloff, these scale the fade distance of the light without changing its brightness. # > 1.0 makes the light fade out faster, # < 1.0 makes it fade out slower. "_angwait" "#" "_angfade" "#" These options are identical. These scale the intensity of light based on the angle it strikes a surface. # > 1.0 make the light fade faster as the angle faces away from the light. # < 1.0 makes it fade slower. Spotlights ---------- "_mangle" "# #" "_spotangle" "# #" These options are identical. They aim spotlights by yaw and pitch angles. The first angle goes from 0 to 360 degrees around the z axis. The second angle goes from -90 (straight down) to 90 (straight up). "_spotvector" "# # #" This aims spotlights by a direction vector (x,y,z). "_spotpoint" "# # #" This aims spotlights at a global coordinate point. It's similar to targeting by info_null without needing an info_null entity. "_focus" "#" This works similar to "_angwait" for all point lights, but only in the direction of the spotlight. This can create a smoothly fading cone, which can considerably cut down on the often-seen jagged edges. Entity Brush Model Lights ------------------------- Entity brush models now can emit light, opening up many new options for surface lights. Func_wall is probably the best entity to use for these lights. Be aware that these brushes still do not cast shadows, so creative editing may be needed to achieve the proper effects. "light" "#" If the "light" key is present, it will override the light value of the individual faces. "_lightmin" "#" This sets a minimum brightness for light-emitting faces. This can be used to make a surface appear to glow brighter without giving off as bright light. "_color" "# # #" This sets all light-emitting surfaces on the brush to cast this color light. If possible, select a similarly-colored texture for a more logical appearance. "style" "#" This sets all light-emitting surfaces on the brush to cast this light style. "_focus" "#" Similar to spotlights (see that entry for more details), this affects the angle fade in the direction of the light-emitting surface. Because of the nature of surface lights, be aware that large values may cause unanticipated results. "_minlighta" "#" Like -ambient, "_minlight" uses an unusual brightness scale. This key works like "_minlight" but uses an absolute scale like -ambienta. "_ambient" "#" This is similar to _minlighta, except it actually adds a solid ambient brightness to the whole brush. "_ambient" "# # #" This alternate form specifies separate red, green, and blue ambient brightness. This can even be used to colorize the mottled _minlighta pattern. Lighting Unvised Maps --------------------- ArghRad will now calculate the lighting from all direct lights in unvised maps. This includes maps that leak. It essentially does a -bounce 0 without the help of the vis data. Note that this often takes much longer to calculate. This ability has been added to help during the map creation process. The final versions of maps should always be leak-free and fully vised. ====================================================================== * History * Version 2.01: March 19, 1999 * program: added -nosplotchfix command line option * text: added -nosplotchfix info Version 2.00: March 2, 1999 * program: added phong shading * program: added _sun_surface feature * program: rewrote sunlight code to be more efficient * program: rewrote anti-light-bleed code to improve quality * program: fixed qrad3 black-band & splotchy sky/liquid light bugs * program: fixed qrad3 surface #0 bounced light bug * program: improved command-line option output * program: removed some now-unused qrad3 code * text: added new feature info, made minor tweaks elsewhere * text: added John Fitzgibbons to acknowledgments Version 1.50: November 2, 1998 * program: added direct-lighting of unvised maps * program: added FreeDirectLights() to reclaim memory * program: added light-bleed checking and -nostopbleed * program: tweaked speed and memory use in some areas * program: added -radmin cutoff * program: rewrote texture handling code to be more efficient * text: added new feature info, made minor tweaks elsewhere * text: added Mr Elusive to acknowledgments Version 1.03b: September 17, 1998 * program: fixed -moddir to read all pak#.pak Version 1.03: September 17, 1998 * program: fixed ambient & minlight bug from original qrad3 * program: tweaked -gamedir/-moddir to not require final backslash * text: _sun_angle clarification Version 1.02: August 24, 1998 * program: fixed spotlight _focus lighting bug * program: fixed bad _ambient lighting in worldspawn * text: added -nominlimit info * text: added Michael Meadows to acknowledgments, added webpage URL Version 1.01: April 30, 1998 * program: eliminated crashes with multiple suns using _sun aiming * program: fixed -chop* and -nobmodlight settings messages * program: fixed the spelling of "square" in verbose mode * text: corrected Rich Tollerton's name in acknowledgments * text: negative light clarification No version change: April 8, 1998 * text: -gamedir/-moddir correction No version change: April 7, 1998 * text: sunlight correction Version 1.0: April 7, 1998 * first release ====================================================================== * Construction * Base : * "Qrad3" source code from id Software. * ArghLite * Ritual SiN qrad3 source (FreeDirectLights) Compiler used : Microsoft VC++ 4.0 Construction time : A while ;) ====================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this EXE, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc.) as long as you include this file intact. * Disclaimer * Usage of ArghRad is at your own risk. I accept NO responsibility for any form of damage incurred through the usage of this program. ====================================================================== * Where to get this Utility * (and all mirrors)