Quake Admin is copyright (c) 1997, 1998 HToC, Created by Warren Rees Dedicated to my one true love, Sarah Bigger 1] History of Quake Admin (qadmin) 2] Where is it? 3] Installation/config notes 4] Contacting the author 1] History of Quake Admin. Quake admin came to me as a thought. I was looking for something that would be able to manage running/killing/starting/etc a quake server. I found one for windows, but, I dispise windows, and the quake server wasn't running off of a windows based platform. I looked all around, but couldn't find ANYTHING to do what i wanted. So, i decided to make my own. A few friends gave me ideas (ip checking, remote admin (add/remove/edit users), and ability to kill the server) After ALOT of work, and MANY hours spent programming it (off and on) :) This is the final product. 2] Where is it? Well obviously if your reading this, you already have it :). I'm planning planetquake and other related web sites will mirror it for me *HINT* would make my life ALOT easier. For now, its available at: ftp.ccm.net /pub/users/wrees/qadmin/ 3] Installation/configuration Installation and configuration is a breeze, i've ALWAYS hated programs that required 3 hours of figuring out howto compile, then having to bother with configuring it. Well, after you untar the distribution into a directory, go to the qadmin directory & type ./configure after that finishes, type make If you would like to move it to another directory (something rather that the distribution directory) just make the directory, and copy the data/, logs/, qadmin, and qadmin.conf files to your new directory. Please note, the password for the admin is "changemenow" by default, either edit/add/or something just for security reasons. The configuration of it (qadmin.conf) is fairly easy, and tells you howto edit the values. Just note, 0 is off, and 1 is on (for the options) it'd be a good idea to look at that file, and remove the "die Please edit your qadmin.conf before attempting to load qadmin" line from the config file before trying to load it up :). As far as the Menu options, the thing that i use, are 'batchfile' type of things, just a simple #!/bin/sh scripts, which i've included for easier configuration :) After you have finished modifying the config file, load up qadmin, if you messed up any of the options, it'll tell you the line # and the column that it errored on. (columns are seperated by :'s btw :) If you are running a *BSD* platform, you MUST run qadmin as root, don't worry, i've tested it for bugs to gain root, none that i can see exist, hopefully none will show up either. Not too sure about linux (if you have to run it as root that is :)) 4] Contacting the author If for some strange reason you'd like to get ahold of me, to tell me about bugs/features/problems/just to say hi. Send email to: wrees@ccm.net with a subject starting with "Qadmin" :) (Easier use for me sifting through the emails) I'm also available on #BitchX (The best irc client) on EFNet (nick MHacker) Thanks alot for chosing Quake Admin, for all your adminning needs =). This software has passed the stress test, in no WAY can you gain root access through any 'buffer overflows/underruns/etc'. If you find a bug, or want to make a suggestion, email it to: wrees@ccm.net with a subject containing "Qadmin". Thanks for the support.