Welcome to CTFrank v1.13. This program is a logfile parser for Threewave capture the flag 3.0 and later. (It might work for 2.5 also, but I wonder if the LOG format didn't change between 2.5 and 3.0). CTFrank can parse the output from ANY quake exe server. Even the new unixded output. It can generate hundreds of different html-files with the statistics for each player. QC sources are included for CTF4.1 and QWCTF4.1. Permission has been given to include these modified versions. This program is loosely based on Qrank, an unofficial program by Linus Pizunski. The two biggest problems with that statistics parser were the main reasons that I decided to create CTFrank. They were: 1) Qrank could only generate one static table. That is, the minimum number of kills, the maximum number of entries and the sort-order could be modified by command-line parameters. The table itself had hardcoded entries, kills, deaths, etc... 2) The score calculation routine was also static. No consideration was taken to the fact that a player might be killed repeatedly by some nasty lpb with incredibly high score himself, or that the team he was in was filled with lousy rookie-players. Of course, there always is a solution to problems like these. CTFrank doesn't suffer from these major drawbacks, but has a DYNAMIC score calculation and an VERY large number of permutations of possible html-table fields. Over 50 fields are specifiable. This release includes the Personal Statistics CGI, and features config files. This is a must for any Capture The Flag server!