=============== Rawstats V1.11b =============== Release - Version 1.11b, 14th June 1997 Author - Email dog.food@poboxes.com, (also ksh@cyberspace.org) Homepage http://ps.cus.umist.ac.uk/~ksh/ Licence - Freeware (C)Copyright 1997 Kin Sum Ho U.K. Feel free to modify any of the scripts, give credit where credit is due. Description Quakeworld ranking system for QWSV V1.55, generated onto webpages. Ranking produces various stats based on the frag_*.log files generated when frag logging is switched on, in the server. Requirements Perl 5+ (Perl for Win95/NT at http://www.activeware.com) Frag log files (concatinated into one file) Memory 16Mb+ Knowledge of perl programming (as you'll need to edit the files) === Files in distribution === readme.txt # - This file rawstats # - Unix script to start everything (run this once a hr or so) rawstats.bat# - Batch files for Win32 systems fragstat.pl # - Main script (creates stats.db, playid.db) fragrank.pl # - Creates webpages (requires stats.db, playid.db) frag-lib.pl # - Commons functions between scripts fplayid.pl # - Creates a page with all players listed (useds playid.db) frag-trk.pl - Tracks ranking changes creates tracked.db (uses stats.db) search.html * - Searching page (now generated instead) qwsearch.pl * - Player searching, through html files created by fragrank.pl fragsrch.pl # - Player searching, (requires stats.db) fragmore.pl - CGI Generates deaths.db, frags.db, (requires playid.db) fmorefnd.pl # - CGI Stat search, (requires deaths.db, frags.db, playid.db) fragcomm.pl - CGI Comments used by search.html fragpggn.pl - Generates search page fragidx.pl - Frag log indexer (utility, not required by Rawstats) fraguidx.pl - Frag log unindexer (utility, not required by Rawstats) cgi-lib.pl - CGI module (downloadable from the net), used in frag-lib.pl * File has been removed and is no longer supported # Changed since last version Other files due for the next release haven't been included yet, I still need to run some internal tests first. But these files are the java clients which will contain some nice features. Information The scripts probably aren't really usable until you change the paths within them. Most of these can be found in frag-lib.pl These scripts are _NOT_ runnable out of the zip inmost cases, you _WILL_ need to do some editing. The paths that I use, are as follows (same paths on Win95 box); /var/lib/qw - final destination of log files, db files, webpages /var/lib/httpd/htdocs - webpages /var/lib/httpd/cgi-bin - cgi scripts (fmorefnd.pl, fragcomm.pl qwsearch.pl) /temp/qlogs/ - cgi logging, debugging, testing /usr/local/bin - final location of scripts The minimal number of files need are fragstat.pl, fragrank.pl, frag-lib.pl which will only generate ranking pages. Turn off the links in fragrank.pl if you don't want to do searching from qwsearch.pl. Technical stuff The scripts have been optimised to run as fast as possible without using too much memory. I've opted to read most files line at a time, rather than buffering the whole file, to save memory. The script rereads the frag log files again everytime it it run, so DON'T remove them otherwise you'll lose you ranks. Therefore once in a while you'll need to concatinate all the log files in one (in their numerical order) and rename it to frag_0.log, delete all remaining files, then continue logging. There's nothing stopping me creating a real database to manage the players without keeping the original logs, but I've got a few plans which require the last 10000 frags in the original order so I've kept them. I know that this is a overhead and will cause the processing to take progressivly longer. I've started to develop a C version which is much faster, but I don't know if I have the time to finish it. === Changes === 14th June 1997 V1.12 - Added missing gifs into release 13th June 1997 V1.11 - Not many important changes, realeased again because I overwritten I few files I didn't include them in V1.1 12th June 1997 V1.10 - Added and corrected tracking of players. - Sorting is now done by skill, I know there's going to be some objections about this, but me and Jet have decided that ranking should reflect who you kill rather than the number of frag you've accumulated over time. This means a few people who were at the top when the list was sorted by rank, _maybe_ lower than or some of the others are further up the list. (hehe, Roadrunner with huge 6000 frags is now ranked lower) - Searching is now done slightly better, it still needs improvement tho. It's a rewritten script, mainly due to some problems running perlglob on a web server, and it returning no players. This fixes that problems. Besides the previous searching script was a be lame, it searched using the generated webpages. - Some webpage design changes, so they look nicer or load faster. - Now easier to config, it still requires editing quite a few files. 29th May 1997 - Initial public release V1.0 10th May 1997 - Private release to Orange/Baal Quakeworld servers === Acknowledgements === There's far too many people to mention, besides I can't remember all your names. Thanks to all those, who sent my comments and suggests plus those nasty bug reports :) If you found any bugs, mail them to the above email address.