The map, 2fort5. I had just joined the Blue team, which was getting whomped on by the Reds as they didn't have a single capable Spy or Scout in the entire place. Sentry guns lined the walls in the Blue base, backed up by the occasional Soldier or Pyro. So the coming of a Spy was pretty joyous. They cheered me as I swam across the water and appeared in their base, a red sniper. I was, through a great amount of feigning, able to get past the inner security and make it to the roof. There, half a dozen snipers manned the walls, decimating any Blue who dares venture out of their base. I signalled my allies to prepare for a attack, I'd be acting soon. The first sniper never knew what hit him. The other sniper on his side of the lean-to section of the roof turned to me and began charging his rifle. I managed to strafe and got behind him. Another scream. Now, the heavy hitters of the Red lineup were on their way. I wished it was Mega TF so that some allied sniper might send a airstrike in this general direction. But it wasn't. I dash across to the other side, slaying another sniper. A HWguy's minigun roared up behind me and suddenly my screen flashed red. Instinctively, I hit the feign button and fell, screaming to the ground. I expected to find a grenade up my arse, but instead got a message from the HWguy that he guessed I "ain't much of a spy". The poor fool didn't even realize I was alive. He didn't realize it, at least, until I swung my knife a few times into his back and he fell into a heap. Another sniper later and I was safely disguised as a HWguy. Of course, the snipers were back to the roof, and all of them were aiming at eachother, thinking eachother spies. I gave the word to charge, and lo and behold, a eight engineers and a handful of soldiers and demos swarmed out of the base and towards the startled snipers. The HWguy, who we shall call "Monster Billy", cursed as he was knocked out by a railgun and a few rockets. The snipers turned from eachother to open fire on the enemy, and soon found a long machete sticking out of their backs. In a few minutes, my engineers had reset up their sentries in the enemy base, three by each respawn and two more by the entrances. Capture after capture was made until, finally, the Blue team had twice as many points as the red team, which by now had been abandoned because of "lamer engineer bastards". Guess they got a taste of their own medicine, eh? Sir Ed Die One day, while I was attempting to survive more than 5 minutes as a spy, I disguised myself as a medic and strolled into their base while my team was attacking. Eventually, one heroic enemy soldier destroyed the last of the attackers, and, seeing a medic, ran up to me, screaming medic. I'd have gone away, but he trapped me against the law, screaming "MEDIC!" all the time. What could I do? I knifed him to death and ran, to the tune of "Red Medic is a spy!" I haven't disguised myself as a medic for a long time.... Sir Ed Die