* What is it ? * This file adds a complete list of Quake 2 textures to QuArK version 4.07. Don't use this with another version of QuArK !! There are also a few bug fixes. * Installation * Copy the file MODEL_Q2.QME in your QuArK directory, overwriting the previous version of the file. * Texture list * All Quake 2 textures will appear in the texture browser. The pages Dupes-1 to Dupes-5 contain texture that are already present elsewhere but with a different name. You don't need to open these pages; they are provided only if you want to look at a Quake 2 map you got from elsewhere and that uses them. Thanks a lot to Decker for sorting the textures ! decker@post1.tele.dk (Svendsen, Bent P.) * Bug fixes * When QuArK run Quake 2, it sometimes didn't open completely - you got only a blue window. This should be fixed. People reported problems compiling maps (particularly lighting them) but I couldn't pinpoint the problem yet. I suspect you fooled around with your "Quake 2" menu configuration or you inverted the programs QVIS3 and QRAD3 in the Configuration dialog box. If you can't find the problem try cleaning up your configuration (QuArK Explorer's "Option" menu, "Clean Registry".) Armin Rigo (arigo@bluewin.ch)