================================================================== Title : Jurassic Park - Chaos Theory 2 Filename : jp_ct_2.map Author : Alberto Garcia Email Address : albrt_g@yahoo.com.ar Misc. Author Info : - Overview of Part One : An attempt to rebuild Jurassic Park by the genetic engineering company InGen ended up in disaster when a saboteur placed human DNA inside the dinosaur production chain. As a result, a race of intelligent creatures called "Dinosauroids" was created, and they soon took over the island. Duke Nukem was sent there in order to destroy the geothermal central which gave power to all the systems, so that the Dinosauroids couldn't escape from the island (And so the people from InGen could capture them and sell them as weapons) However, a violent storm sunk Duke's boat. He was the only survivor of this accident. Being too far away from the geothermal central, he was forced to take a helicopter that could get him near the building. Story of Part Two : As soon as Duke climbed on board, the helicopter started to move away from the island. "Hold on!", said Duke. "Shouldn't we be heading towards the geothermal central?" "No", the pilot said. "Something has come up. Mister McAllister has something to tell you." *** Duke wasn't too happy about seeing the InGen executive again. McAllister was arrogant and childish, and Duke didn't like him. If he had not offered him such a big amount of money to do the job, Duke would have rejected his proposal. "Nice to see you again, Duke. You did a great job down there. It's a shame that you had that accident with the boat." "Well, I'm OK now. They've told me that you had something to tell me." "That's right, Duke. We found something very important: one of the saboteurs." "You mean the imbecile that caused all this? Where is him? I'd like to have a small chat with him." "Don't worry about him, Duke, we've obtained all the information we needed from him. He's now on prison. Besides, if everything that he told us is true, we have worse things to be worried about." "Like what?" "It appears that our subject had a partner. They both worked for Biosyn, InGen's principal rival. Their mission was to stop our production of dinosaurs by contaminating the DNA. They succeded, although they hadn't expected such a catastrophic result." "Yeah, right. We already knew that. So what's the big problem?" "They had an accident while they contaminated the DNA. This guy's partner put his hand in the wrong place and a variety of dinosaur DNA was injected into his body. At first, nothing happened. The dinosaurs grew withouth problems for a while. The saboteurs started believing that something had gone wrong. However, as you know, the dinosaurs began to manifest strange behaviours and their bodies started to change. At that very moment, the injuried saboteur started to feel ill. Each day he felt worse and worse. Finally, the dinosauroids managed to escape and all the park's personnel started evacuating. The two saboteurs were ready to leave the island when the injuried one started to act in a strange way. Horrified, the other one observed as its partner's body started to change into a monstruous form. He run as fast as he could leaving his partner behind and he managed to escape. Then, we discovered him by reviewing the security tapes." "So, what happened to the other one?", asked Duke. "We don't know! That's the problem. Our scientists believe that the high amount of dinosaur DNA inside his body transformed him into a dinosauroid!" "So what? I've already killed a lot of them! Another one should pose no trouble." "But this one is different, Duke. It has the intelligence of a human being. Besides, our scientists also believe that the different types of DNA inside his body have caused him to transform into something very big. You'll probably be facing a superfreak." "SO WHAT? I've already faced freaky creatures before and ended victorious!" "I like your spirit, Duke. I'm sure you'll defeat him. However, there's something you must know. We suspect that this guy is the mastermind behind the unusual intelligence of the dinosauroids. It seems that he's somewhat controlling them. If that's true, that means that he has control over a great army capable of leaving the island and invading our country! We must stop him before it is too late." "If you're so worried about it... Why don't we simply nuke the whole island and stop everything right now?", replied Duke. "Duke, Duke, you do not understand. Why should we destroy years of hard work if we can send a skilled commando group under your command to destroy the dinosauroid's only power source? They would be trapped and we should be able to kill them without risking the other equipment." "I only understand that you're crazy, Mr. McAllister. However, we have an agreement and I will not break it. Just send me to that island and let me do the job." "OK, Duke. We've got a helicopter ready with some soldiers. It will take off tomorrow before sunrise. We've checked the security system and we know that the dinosauroids are less active early in the morning. Remeber, you have two objectives: destroying the geothermal central and killing the dinosauroid's leader. Now go, take a rest, you will need it." Duke left the room. Minutes later, a man entered inside McAllister's office. "Hello, sir. You wanted to see me?" "Yes. Listen carefully: I believe that Duke is starting to discover our plans. We can't let him know anything about our secret project. Tell the people to monitor his every move from the island's satellital video system. I don't know why it's still active, but we'll use it while we can. Just remember: if Duke learns anything, he will have to be terminated." "OK, sir. We'll do as you say." *** The helicopter hovered around the island as Duke Nukem was briefed on his new mission. He was shown a detailed map of the island, as well as blueprints from the geothermal central. Once the briefing was over, the aircraft headed towards the building. Suddenly, something struck the helicopter from behind. "We're under fire!", the pilot screamed. "I can't control this thing! We´re going down!" Unexpectedly, the aircraft changed its course and headed towards the sea. It crashed. Hours later, Duke Nukem woke up only to find himself as the only survivor again. The helicopter lay in the rocky coast. The sea was calm. Duke checked out the wreckage. He found a shotgun and ammunition. He found a hole in the nearby cliffs, which was partly covered by rocks: The outlet of a stream that should have collapsed during the crash. Water was still pouring from the spaces between the rocks. Duke entered in the remaining gap. "I'm tired of those fu**in' Dinosauroids. They really pissed me off this time . Now I'm going to kill them all once and for all", he said. And with those words, Duke set off to finish his task. Description : This map's features are: - Troopers and Enforcers as "The Dinosauroids" - Three-dimensional dinosaur corpses! - New Jurassic Park themed sprites. - New music and ambience sounds. Tips : - Once you find the jetpack, don't overuse it. You might need it to escape from pits. - Side-quest: Four Raptors have been able to escape from the Dinousauroids, and they are hiding inside the jungle now. Can you find all of them? Additional Credits to : Stephano Lessa - beta testing / MID file Michael Crichton for writing "Jurassic Park" Special thanks to : All the people who played "Jurassic Park - Chaos Theory 1" The people at AMC Web Forums ================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : - Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : No Difficulty Settings : Not implemented * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) Used : Build Known Bugs : Playing the map in version 1.3D of Duke Nukem will cause the game to crash. A better version of the game is needed.