=========================================================================== Title :Crazy Golf File Name :Golf.zip Author :SIMON MANCO Email address :s.manco@virgin.net Misc. Author Info :My first outing with the BUILD level editor. *Warning* this map contains some nudity, but since everybody who plays DukeNukem is over 18 (and monkeys fly out of my butt) this shouldn't be a problem. Description :A detailed level based around my current flat in Bath (England). It has some new sounds and art. The guy on the barbecue is David Barker. Believe me, he deserves to be there! Additional Credits to :Thanks to anybody whose tiles I borrowed. Thanks to Sam for ...er..ummm... there must be something. Ah yes, getting me up in the morning. =========================================================================== * PLAY INFO * Single Player :yes Cooperative Play :no Dukematch :no Difficulty settings :no New Sounds :yes New Graphics :yes New Music :no New Programing :no Demos Replaced :none =========================================================================== * CONSTRUCTION * Base :New level from scratch. It took me a millennium I can tell you. Editors Used :BUILD.EXE Known Bugs :Nothing major. One small effect only works 50% of the time. Also the frame rate slows down to zero for a couple of seconds in one of the large explosions. =========================================================================== YOU MAY NOT USE THIS LEVEL AS A BASE TO BUILD NEW LEVELS. YOU MAY DISTRIBUTE THIS LEVEL AS LONG AS THIS TEXT FILE IS IN WITH THE MAP FILE. PLEASE LEAVE ME ANY COMMENTS ABOUT THE MAP GOOD OR BAD. MY E-MAIL ADDRESS IS AT THE BEGINNING OF THIS FILE.