Desert Hives v2.0 by Kirk *Duke Nukem 3D .Map Authoring Template v1.0* Title :Desert Hives File name :Hives.Map Aurthor :Kirk Email address Description :Fight your way though alien hives, a pymide, :a raft that circles a pond, a dance, my name in :big letters (use dnshowmap to read it), etc. Credits :Me, 3d realms, violence, other builders, :AHB (for !, ! and, the :person that made the dn3d buildhlp readme, :Lars Scheele (Crono), etc. ~ *Play information* Episode and level :E1L1 -I think Single player :Yes Cooperative Player level :Yes! 1-8 player Duke Match level :Yes 1-8 player Difficulty settings :Yes Known bugs :None -if you find any let me know. ~ *Construction* Base :New level from scratch Where to get this map file :You should know that Editor(s) used :Build of course ~ *Copy right and Permissions* DN3D map builders may NOT use this level as a base to create additional levels, But it IS alright to send me money. You may post this file freely provided this text file (unmodified) is included. THESE FILES ARE PROVIDED AS IS. E N J O Y