Duke Nukem 3D .MAP Authoring Template v1.0
Title			:  Repentance
Filename		:  Repent.map
Author			:  Mix
Email Address		:  mix@on-ramp.net
Misc. Author Info	:  Umm... yeah.

Description		:  Duke finds the Alien menace has occupied
			   an abandoned church.  Now it's time for a
			   baptism by fire!

Additional Credits to   :  Rod Pickett, Keith Emigh, and my beautiful
			   wife for putting up with me and my computer.

* Play Information *

	Simple Dukematch level for up to four or five players.  Try more
if you want, but I didn't...  No monsters yet for single player...

Episode and Level #	: E1L1
Single Player		: Not yet
Dukematch Level		: Of course
Difficulty Settings	: None

* Construction *

Base			: New level from scratch
Editor(s) used 		: Build by 3DRealms
Known Bugs 		: Please tell me if you find any!

* Where to get this MAP file *

FTP sites:

BBS numbers: 


* Disclaimer *
	You can distribute this map if you include the accompanying text file.
Please don't modify and distribute as your own work! I spent a long time on this level!
Also, if this file goes on a compilation CD's or similar packages, LET ME KNOW!