Title                   : Snowball Fight
Filename                : SNOWBALL.ZIP
Author                  : Ralph Terry & John N. Daily
Email Address           : cobra29@ix.netcom.com or daily@capital.net

Previous Duke Work      
By John N. Daily        : The Trouble With Transporters (TROUBLE.ZIP)
			  Fountains (Part I of "Trilogy")(FOUNTAIN.ZIP)
                          Fountains DukeMatch (FOUNTDM.ZIP)
                          Lab Rats (LABRATS.ZIP) -for v1.4+
                          Lab Rats (OLDLRATS.ZIP) -for v1.3 and under
Files included in
this .ZIP               : SNOWBALL.MAP
			  SNOWBALL.TXT (This file)
Description             : Remember those old snowball fights you used to
                          have as a kid? The ones where you'd each build a 
                          pathetic little "fort" and then just wail away
                          at each other? Well...welcome to Snowball Fight - 
                          Duke Nukem Style!! This map is meant for two 
                          players only, and will **ONLY** work with versions
                          1.4 + (Plutonium Pak/ Atomic Editions, and later 
                          versions). This map will *not* tolerate 
                          "camping"...so if this is your method of playing,
                          either change your style or avoid this map. No 
                          wimps need apply - this is fast, furious and fun!!
Time To Build           : Actually, about an hour...the concept is simple
                          but very effective.

Additional Credits to   : 3D Realms for the one true Doom Killer (even if
                          their attitude towards map builders' rights SUCKS)!


* Play Information *

Single Player           : Yes, but mostly just to check it out (There's no 
			  way to 'win').
Cooperative 2-8 Player  : No
Dukematch 2-8 Player    : Yes, The reason this level exists!!!
Difficulty Settings     : No
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : No
Demos Replaced          : None. 

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used          : Ken Silverman's BUILD Editor
Known Bugs              : None.

--> Mailing List <--
    If you would like to recieve new maps from me as soon as they're 
    released, just send an email to daily@capital.net with the subject heading
    I'll send you a confirmation letter, and you're all set!!

--> Copyright / Permissions <--

Authors MAY NOT add to this level. 

You MAY distribute this .ZIP file, provided you include all files contained 
within it, and with no modifications to any of the files within it. 
You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, INET, etc) as long as you include this file
intact, and notify me (daily@capital.net) that you are using it (so I can 
hork a copy!). 

-->  Where to get this MAP <--

Internet sites  FTP:         ftp.cdrom.com
		WWW:         http://www.capital.net/users/daily 
	        NEWSGROUPS:  alt.games.duke3d.binaries


Snowball Fight v1.0 (01/26/97)