Title                   : TODD2   
Filename                : todd2.map
Author                  : Todd Goosman
Email Address           : goosmant@indy.tce.com
Misc. Author Info       : 

Description             : This is a Dukematch level.  There are a
			  couple of monsters but they aren't intended  
			  to add anything to the game.
			  There are two main playing areas, a city and
			  an outside area.  This map evolved from a number
			  of weeks of play where ideas from the players
			  were put into the map.  Thus you will find that
			  there are a number of different strategys that
			  can be followed which resulted from the different
			  playing styles of the people that played the map.
			  So if you want to hide and snipe, fly around, hunt
			  or prefer the frontal assault you will be accomidated
			  with this map.  There are many secret places that
			  are not obvious (i.e. you need to be looking for
			  them or you won't find them) so be on the lookout.

			  There are many ways to move quickly between the
			  city and the outside area (i.e. water, tunnels,
			  transporters, elevators, etc.).  There are many
			  places that can be used as sniper points.  There
			  are many places were lazer trip bombs can be placed.
			  There is a subway under the map so that you can move
			  around the outside area quickly.  There is a sky
			  bridge, rocks that you can hide inside, and a couple
			  of force field fortresses (of course you need to turn
			  them off to get out - but watch out since you can teleport
			  in - or drop a pipe bomb).  There is a forest where the
			  trees can't be destroyed.

			  Although there are a number of weapons sprinkled around
			  the map there are two main arms caches which feature
			  restricted access so that you can reload with you favorite
			  weapon but may have to pay the price to do so.

			  One new feature which I haven't seen is the Squat-N-Shoot
			  which features a view screen with a teleporter immediately
			  below it. 
Additional Credits to   : 

* Play Information *

Single Player           : Not really - boring with only a couple monsters.
Cooperative 8 Player    : No
Dukematch 8 Player      : Yes!!!!
Difficulty Settings     : Not implemented
New Sounds              : No
New Graphics            : Yes - a few
New Music               : No
Demos Replaced          : None

* Construction *

Base                    : New level from scratch
Editor(s) used          : Build 
Known Bugs              : None

Authors may this level as a base to build additional

You MAY distribute this MAP, provided you include this file, with
no modifications.  You may distribute this file in any electronic
format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file 