================================================================================== TITLE: UNDERGROUND BASE FILENAME: ugbase.map AUTHOR: Andras Piroska E-MAIL ADDRESS: pirihome@unforgettable.com WEB PAGE: http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Alley/2121 DESCRIPTION: Somewhere in the desert lies a hidden underground research base. People in the base did archeological digs, they were searching for something mysterious (top secret). Now the world doesn't have any contact with it. But why ...? Duke Nukem, who's always ready for action must enter there and find out what's happened ... ==================================================================================== SINGLE PLAYER: YES! DUKEMATCH: This level is not specially designed for deathmatch, but it could be interesting ... Try it if you like! CO-OP PLAYING: Of course! Base: New level from scratch Editor used: BUILD (what a surprise!) Known bugs: None that I know of; but if you find any, please let me know. I'll fix it if I can. Other levels: shopcntr.map - Mega Plaza Shopping Center (city theme) cadamned.map - Castle of the Damned (medieval theme) warz.map - WarZone (an urban warzone) These are all single-player oriented maps; I have made a Dukematch special, too: lightray.map - Lightray (space theme) All are downloadable from my site or my teacher's site: http://www.geocities.com/~elek/duke.html ======================================================================================