-------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Title: Ventilation Filename: Vents.map Author: Leslie Girrior E-mail: egirrior@internorth.com Webpage: None Misc. Author info. : I am only 12 at this time and was at the time I made the map. Other levels: None at this time, but look around. Description: This level has a lot of hidden areas and only one place to find any new wepons. Additional Credits: My brother who was so kind as to tell me when I was doing something stupid. -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- This is an additional level to put in your duke3D directory, no new artwork, sounds, etc.. and doesn't require the Plutonium Pak. -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Base: I created this from nothing. Level Editor Used: BUILD Construction time: About 2 hours Know Bugs: None, but if you find any e-mail me. -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- If my level does anything to your computer I am not responsible for the consequenses(it was you who chose to download it, right?). You may do anything you wish to this level and take all the credit for the new version of the level.