Title: Wildcity Full Name: Wildcity.map Authors: RIPtide (A.K.A. Darkritual) Jeff Morin (A.K.A. OZZYO) E-Mail Address: RIPtide: ball4.capecoral@worldnet.att.net Jeff Morin: jaym@gate.net Description: Its a huge DUKEMATCH level with many secrets and sniper spots. It has almost everything you can put in a level. Single Player: Yes Coop: No Deathmatch: Hell Yes New Graphics: No New Music: No Editor Used: BUILD Build Time: A couple Weeks Bugs?: Nothin I Know of (tell me if you find any) CREDITS: Brett Gmoser and Klaus Breuer for there awesome FAQs on how to build. And of Course 3D REALMS for making this great game. COPYRIGHT/PERMISSIONS: You may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels, concatenations, or otherwise. You may NOT modify this level without our permission. You MAY distribute this MAP (wildcity.map) provided you include this text file (wildcity.txt) with no modifications. AUGUST 13, 1996