Title: The Legend of Zelda: Level 1 Filename: ZELDA.map Author: Justin Mays E-mail: JMays2@aol.com Web Page: http://members.aol.com/JMays2/index.html Description: This level is my attempt to recreate the action of the first level in the Nintendo game The Legend of Zelda. It is full of neat stuff and it does look like the map if you look at it in build. It rules. Play it. *Play Information* Single Player: Yes Dukematch: Yes Cooperative: Yes Difficulty: N/A Plutonium Pak required: no New art: none New music: none New Sound effects: none New .CON files: none Demos replaced: none *Construction* Base: New level from scratch Level editors used: BUILD Art editors used: None Construction Time: N/A Known Bugs: There are none known.