====================================================================== Title : Incubation - Alien Apocalypse Author : James Hollidge E-mail : cyborg_jim@yahoo.com OR cyborg@freeuk.com Web Page : www.dukeworld.com/alien/ www.cyborg.freeuk.com Copyright : Copyright ©1998-1999 James Hollidge and Edward Clarke Version : Release 2 (03/02/99) Version 2 (17/7/99). Enhanced Version, with digitised music Description : After the killing of the alien queen in "The Birth" Duke rents an apartment in LA so that he can get some rest before he falls apart. However he didn't kill all the aliens in the first campaign and now those remaining have started to regroup. Find the remaining stronghold of the aliens and kick their asses off the planet; for good. Additional Credits to : Ed Clarke (ears@poboxes.com) for doing additional music. ====================================================================== * Play Information * To install this pack, copy all files to Duke 3D Atomic directory. If demos named 'demox.dmo' are present, the corresponding Incubation demos will not be played. Best delete them eh? And put the voc in the duke directory... To play, run 'incubatn.bat'. Read Story.txt if you want to know the plot and read Tag!.txt to find out how to play DUKETAG! Episode and Level # : The whole of Episode 1 Single Player : Yes, kick ass. DukeMatch Level : Yes (especially E1M6, designed for DUKETAG! but you need v1.4, v1.5 of Duke), even more kick ass. Difficulty Settings : Yes, play it hard though, as it was intended. New Art : Yes New Music : Yes - here are the filenames and titles BROOD.MID The Brood Brothers (EC) GLOOM.MID Into the Gloom (EC) ARMAGED.MID Starting Armageddon (JH) CREEPER.MID Creeping From the Cracks (JH) LONEWAR.MID Duke Nukem: Lone Warrior (JH) REAPER.MID Alien Reaper (JH) THEEND.MID The End (JH/EC) EVIL.MID The Evil Within (JH) INCOMING.MID Alien Incoming (JH) Those followed by EC were done by Edward Clarke, those with JH were done by me (James Hollidge). New Sound Effects : Yes, digitized music verison of The Brood Brothers. This episode can run slow in places on a 486 but on my DX4-100 it is always tolerable, and on my P233 it's great! PC's are so cheap now anyway so what are you still doing using that 486 as your main system? Buy a new PC if you find it too slow and you'll be able to play Quake with a decent frame rate as well.... and get a 3DFX card, it makes all the difference! * Construction * Base : Well, I converted some of my failed projects into workable levels but it's basically my stuff inspired by 3D Realms (of course). No slacking, these levels are much better than all the user levels I've seen. If you see any that are better tell me so I can play them, and disagree for myself. Editor(s) used : Build, for the levels, is there anything else? Editart, for ... the tileart Evolution Audio Lite and Cakewalk Professional for the music. Paint Shop Pro for the art design. Known Bugs : Cockroaches living in my PSU. A small bug in Suburbia where two opposing wall textures appear too dark sometimes. I don't know why this happens but it affects gameplay in no way whatsoever (D'oh)! Build Time : A year or so. I'm lazy, so sue me. Quality takes time. History : Release 2 (03/02/99) - Bugs fixed in DukeTag!, Hotel and Waste maps, Documentation Updated Release 1 (01/02/99) - Initial Release * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: buzzzzz BBS numbers: hummmm Other: Ask me in person. Incubation web site - www.dukeworld.com/alien/ Dukeworld - www.dukeworld.com =========================================================================== This is not a 3D Realms product, ask me for help not them!!! ===========================================================================