***************************** * * * Black Bag Ops: Demo * * Readme File * * * * (C) 2000 Groovy Software * ***************************** Contents -------- 1. Introduction 2. Installation 3. Weapon descriptions 3.1 NightOps Boot 3.2 Glock .17 3.3 M4/M203 4. Enemy description 5. Credits 1. Introduction --------------- Welcome at our first Black Bag Ops demo, in this demo we will show you a little piece of what we've got waiting for you in the full version. NOTE: This demo won't show you our game as if it were in the final state, there will be changes. For the most recent information, visit our webpage at http://www.dukeworld.com/bbops This demo contains 3 new weapons, 1 special demo level and 1 new enemy. Here's a small introduction to the level: The Black Bag Ops are transporting VX-51 nerve gas through an old part of the city of New York. This gas has just been produced and is planned for being used on innocent civilians to see what the effect of the gas is. Your mission is to locate the transport and disable the threat. You're being dropped on a building not too far away from the transport. Beware, our resources tell us the area is infested with Black Bag Ops members, so watch your back! 2. Installation --------------- Step 1: Download the Black Bag Ops demo Step 2: Unpack the contents into your Duke Nukem 3D v1.4/v1.5 directory Step 3: Run BBOPS.BAT Wasn't that easy? 3. Weapon descriptions ---------------------- Here is a list with details of the new weapons in this demo. The number between the braces is the actual weapon code in Duke Nukem 3D: 3.1 NightOps Boot (1) --------------------- Max Ammo : N/A Feed : N/A Power : Low Accuracy : Good --------------------- 3.2 Glock .17 (2) --------------------- Max Ammo : 180 Feed : 12 bullets per clip Power : Low Accuracy : Good --------------------- 3.3 M4/M203 (7) --------------------- M4 M203 --------------------- --------------------- Max Ammo : 180 Max Ammo : 5 Feed : 30 bullets per clip Feed : 1 40mm Grenade Power : Medium Power : Extreme Accuracy : Good Accuracy : Good --------------------- --------------------- 4. Enemy description -------------------- Here is a short description of the new enemy in this demo... Rifle Trooper --------------------- Weapons : M4 with attached M203 Threat : Medium These troopers are the ones you see the most when you meet the Black Bag Ops, they are sometimes alone, but they mostly hunt in groups. So when you see one, there are probably some others nearby. Sometimes they are being guided by a Squad Commander who can be identified by his red hat. 5. Credits ---------- Paul Hameteman Rik Beerthuizen ----------------- ----------------- * Team Leader * Team Leader * CON Hacking * Founder * Level Editing * Level Editing * Quality Control * Webmaster ----------------- ----------------- webmaster@paulsweb.nu rikbeerthuizen@hotmail.com MORD Rick Randy ----------------- ----------------- * Weapon Modeler * Graphics artist * Sound FX Editor ----------------- ----------------- klaus.reiter@online.edvg.co.at rickrandy@hotmail.com Leon Fictoor Dark Arts ----------------- ----------------- * Midi Composer * Texture artist ----------------- ----------------- the_leonking@hotmail.com savo@primus.com.au You can contact us at : bbops_team@hotmail.com and/or visit us at : http://www.dukeworld.com/bbops