_____________________P___R___A__Y_____Y__O__U__R_____P__R__A__Y__E__R__S____________________ A Total Conversion for Duke3D v. 1.3 Pray Your Prayers, First Episode Features in Pray Your Prayers TC: -8 new weapons, including the Amputated Shambler's Hand, Explosive Rubberducks and more! -Fresh new levels, new ones to be added! Makes for the neverending thrill of action! -New techno-midi replaces the mostly boring Duke-tunes! -One h*ll of a lot of gameplay! File listing: Here is a list of the files that should have been included in this zip-file. REMEMBER that these files has not been renamed, thus it is necessary to backup any files in your Duke3D directory with the same names as any of these files. TILES: -tiles000.art, tiles006.art, tiles009.art, tiles010.art, tiles014.art(user art) CONS: -game.con, user.con MAPS: -e1l1.map, e1l2.map, e1l3.map *MORE CAN BE DOWNLOADED SOON* MIDI'S: -stalker.mid, dethtoll.mid, watrwld1.mid, grabbag.mid, snake1.mid, thecall.mid VOC'S -b3atk01.voc, fan.voc, shotgun7.voc, Turrat.voc, Turrrg.voc, Turrrm.voc, Yes.voc Story: Duke has just saved the Earth from alien invasion for the third time, when the phone suddenly rings. The Secretary of Defense has yet an important mission which cannot be ignored. Spies report a race of surviving aliens have established an outpost planted in the middle of military facilities. Duke can't get his weekend of R&R before the job is done. It's time to kick some alien ass. Again. The Weapons: A new pistol: Well, not excactly new, but seen from a different angle. Ammoclips can be picked up for a maximum of 200 rounds. The Shotgun Fashion Model: A new, high-tech Shotgun from H&K future weapon designs. Does heavy damage, and can hold a maximum of 24 shells. The Supressed MP5: More powerful and reliable than the old Chaingun, this baby packs a serious punch on high-speed. Max ammo is 200 rounds. The Alien Plasma Generator: This big, mean gun generates and fires a doze of concentrated plasma against your enemies. It has almost no blast radius, but is as powerful as the old RPG. Max ammo is 40 shots. The Exploding Rubber-ducks: The only species on Earth unknown to alien races is the harm- less duck. Government weapon research used this mistake to Duke's advantage. A rubber-duck packed with C-4? Bounce one at your enemy and watch him fly! FEAR THE DUCK!! Max ammo is 20 ducks. The "Missing in Action" gun: Nicknamed the "Schranker", this improved version of the old Shrinker sends a deadly ray which shrinks your enemies till they're not visible to the human eye. A tip: It can kill mini-bosses as well! Use with care though; as it only holds 10 shots. The Piece of Modern Technology: Now, this is the time to say "Groovy"! This extraordinary weapon annihilates anything in sight with accuracy, brutal force and no mercy. Uses alien plasma-technology. Max ammo is 100 shots. The C-4 Laser Trip Mine: With a new design, this bomb is the same good, old laser trip mine. Use this to boobytrap enemies and other Dukes in Dukematches. Max ammo: 10 bombs. The Amputated Shambler's hand: God knows how someone managed to amputate the right hand of a Shambler, but who cares, as long as you get the benefit. Focus your mind and use the hand's magical powers to deepfreeze your enemies. For a long time. Max ammo is 100 charges. The Levels: e1l1: Duke, The Infiltrator: Duke has just got the call from the Secretary of Defense, and is now headed into a nuclear waste disposal facility, shut down years ago, but now in use by aliens. The facility is still running, but hazardous waste has melted down huge parts of the building, making it a dangerous place to be. Duke's mission is to find and destroy the aliens around their Altar of Sacrifice, bringing back the women they've kidnapped and tortured. Duke crawls into the old ventilation system with his faithful Socom 9 mm. The hunt for alien guts begins. e1l2: The Research Lab: Duke finds out the facility he was in before was connected to several other buildings. He heads his way to the old research facility where aliens are using human technology to do their experiments. His mission is to terminate all resistance and get into the sewer-system underground, getting to the aliens' labyrinth of deadly traps. e1l3: Mazes of Death: What a mess! Duke can't believe his own eyes, and must trust his instinct to get somewhere in this terrible maze. Dangerous traps are found everywhere. Duke has heard of a secret cave in this place, where the Shambler with the amputated hand rests. Can he find it on his way to the core of the aliens' headquarters? *MORE LEVELS TO COME IN LATER UPDATES* Episode: These three levels represent the beginning of the first episode, and more levels is to be made to fit in. In other words, the TC is NOT YET FINISHED. The reason it is released is because I am eager to see what people think of it, and because I am not capable of making all of it by myself. To play the Pray Your Prayers episode, select New Game and the first episode, taking you to the first PYP level. Author: This TC, with all belonging maps and art are made by Daniel Ewald "Shambler" which can be reached at e-mail . E-mail your comments, suggestions, and if you want to be a part of the P.Y.P. team and make this TC better with new levels and stuff later on, let me know. Very much work has been put into this TC so far, and I have realized that to fully make a TC you cannot do it by your own. However, with 8 new weapons, new cons, 3 new levels, new art and new music this is nothing to sneeze at! The TC page at will be updated with news, addons for the TC like new art and new levels, and screenshots. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this TC as much as I enjoyed making it! See you all later; THE SHAMBLER