------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1931 | helixhorned | 2011-07-10 08:39:21 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jul 2011) | 2 lines * new editor cfg options: corruptcheck_noalreadyrefd (silinces 'already referenced warning'), r_usenewaspect, r_screenxy * Read-only CON access to sector bunchnums by adding the labels '.ceilingbunch' and '.floorbunch' to the CON sector structure ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1930 | helixhorned | 2011-07-09 10:36:02 -0700 (Sat, 09 Jul 2011) | 4 lines * Join-bunch functionality in 2d mode ('J'). When applied to two adjacent extended floors with different bunchnums, this makes them equal so that their sectors can be joined in a next step if their ceiling bunchnums are equal. The two floors also must be non-sloped and at the same height. * slightly tweaked status line, now also displaying the number of bunches * fix a couple of issues unearthed by valgrind and a TROR nextwall corruption when joining sectors ------------------------------------------------------------------------