------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1934 | helixhorned | 2011-07-20 15:08:05 -0700 (Wed, 20 Jul 2011) | 1 line Make useractor's bit 4 mean 'this actor will not move by itself' to make it possible to have it in a rotating sector with full rounding correction. No token name is provided because the three others come from CON and I don't want to clutter the namespace; fix the editor issue where the box wasn't shown on occasion in the tile selector (8-bit) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ r1933 | helixhorned | 2011-07-18 12:06:29 -0700 (Mon, 18 Jul 2011) | 14 lines VP8 video playback as (side-by-side) replacement of ANM moving pictures. Usage: For an ANM file .anm/ANM, EDuke32 looks for .ivf, which is the VP8 stream transported by an IVF container. It can be extracted from a WebM file with e.g. mkvextract tracks .webm 1:.ivf (part of Mkvtoolnix, the Matroska toolset) Libvpx is required, and the 'YUV'-->RGB conversion is implemented using a fragment shader, so it's for OpenGL modes only. Also, this commit doesn't enable the code. Unfinished: sound, aspect correction for fullscreen w/ non-square pixels, ... ? --- Make MAXNODESPERLINE in engine_priv.h actually a macro that depends on MAXYSAVES and MAXDIM instead of using the obsolete precomputed value. I think this might have been the cause for the latest patched-up overhead view crash. ------------------------------------------------------------------------