Uploaded by RL (super_shotgun35@yahoo.com) ============================================================================= Title : 3TRICKS.WAD Author : Chris Valentine Email Address : c.p.valentine@open.ac.uk Description : This is my third solo WAD. You'll notice my addiction to balconies. This one has some tricks to solve. There are no exotic weapons or monsters. It's moderately difficult - I can complete it on U-V in about 6 minutes; Nightmare is fun! Hints : The five doors puzzle isn't actually that hard to solve, but it needs a technique, not lots of running about (solution at the end of this file). You will need lots of health to complete the "barrels corridor", even if it means going back to get some. Don't fall in the slime pit near the yellow key. Additional Credits to : All other PWAD authors for inspiration! The KMI people who have play-tested it for me. ============================================================================= * Play Information * Episode and Level # : E1M1 (the simple choice) Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (only 2, not hard enough for more) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : No Difficulty Settings : Yes (lowest-no monsters, harder-less ammo) New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (a higher slime-fall, name graphic) Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Completely new level Build Time : Its been on the boil for quite a while! Editor(s) used : DOOMED 4.2 for Windows (1.666 "clean"!) NWT for the graphics insertion (great tool!) Known Bugs : None Date : 3/95 Others by same author : TRYOUT, BARRACKS Next project : Sequel to BARRACKS (working name: AIRBASE) * Copyright / Permissions * You may NOT use this as a starting point for your own level. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact, providing you don't intend to make a profit by doing so. ============================================================================= 5 Doors solution: The key to this puzzle is not to run, or even to turn. Don't let the doors close behind you, trapping you in the room, because you won't have enough time to open it again before the next door closes. Instead, stand *under* the door, let it bounce of your head, walk in to operate the next door, then back out and *sidestep* to the next door. Easy when you know how! =============================================================================