=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : Update to : Please replace existing monument.zip/txt Advanced engine needed : Limit removing Primary purpose : Single play =========================================================================== ================================================================ Title : Monument Filename : monument.wad Date of release : September 25th 2015 Hotfixed on Oct 11th Author : Chris Hansen Other Files By Author : Flay The Obscene series High/Low series CH Retro Episode Helpyourselfish In A World Rip it, Tear it, Smash it! Shoot! Meek Bloody Realms of Hell C'mon bro, I got tigerblood! Rising Blood Frontier Settlements: Distress The Wailing Horde Gamma Labs Maps for: Hellcore Mayhem 2048 Mayhem 2015 2002 A Doom Odyssey Bella II 100 Lines Doom 2 Unleashed =========================================================================== Misc. Author Info : http://www.windward.dk/TDR chr.nygaard@gmail.com =========================================================================== Story : You've been killing demons on the moons of Mars, in Hell and on Earth for so long, that you've started accepting the fact that it will never end. In fact, you're pretty sure you're stuck in some sort of loop as locales already laid to waste by you years ago, have started appearing again! What is this shit!? You sigh, pick up your trusty firearm for God knows which time, and start doing what you do best: Killing demons and hoping this will finally be the end of it... ========================================================================== Description : This is a complete episode 2 replacement for DOOM. It's a compilation of all my previously released Shores of Hell themed pwads. I haven't just settled on compiling them into one pwad and leaving it at that. Instead each map has been through hours and hours of either adjusting or complete revamping in DoomBuilder to make them stand out as fresh, new maps that will hopefully give players a solid and fun gaming experience - even for those of you, who've played these maps before. I've been just as serious about this release as all my prior releases and I really hope it shows. I thoroughly enjoyed putting this episode together and I hope you will enjoy playing it! Complevel: The episode has been extensively tested on complevel 2 and 3 to find all gamebreaking bugs. In short: It should be perfectly safe for you to use those complevels. If you're the cautious type, I guess you could just use complevel 9 :) Note to prBoom users: The new color palette also affects the colors of the automap, so secret areas which by default are marked with purple, are now almost black. This makes secret areas look like their lines are hidden, but they are not. They're there; they're just almost invisible. This is unfortunate, but there isn't much I can do about it. A solution could be to change it from purple to another color such as white: In prBoom go to Options - Setup - Automap - "Secret sector boundary". Here's a description of each, individual map, where they come from and what's been done to them: !Mild spoilers ahead! E2M1: First map from "Rip it, Tear it, Smash it!" from 2002. Minor adjustments in gameplay and looks. Level name: "Rip and tear" Music: "Pipeline" by James "Jimmy" Paddock E2M2: From 2002 A.D.O. E2M2. It's from 2000. Has undergone massive revamping! It was a cramped level, so it's been opened up in a lot of places, and a whole lot of other stuff. Level name: "Beta station" Music: "Vinefort" by James "Jimmy" Paddock E2M3: The first of three parts from "The Wailing Horde", which was released in 2014. Lots of adjustments and additions in terms of gameplay and design. Level name: "The wailing halls" Music: "Feel the pain" by Paul Corfiatis E2M4: Major adjustments and changes when compared to how this part looked in The Wailing Horde. Second part of said pwad. Level name: "Hive of the horde" Music: "Stormwater" by James "Jimmy" Paddock E2M5: Originally my ancient map "The Unknown Chasm" from 1998. It was a crappy map for Doom II, but had potential, I guess. Massively revamped to be released as a submission for a contest on Doomworld in 2015. Then, lastly, further refurbished for this mapset. Level name: "Chasm control" Music: "Ominus" by Xaser Acheron E2M6: Second map from "Rip it, Tear it, Smash it!" from 2002. Several adjustments and light refurbishment in terms of both gameplay, layout and texturing. Level name: "Smash it!" Music: "Dance of the trooper" by Paul Corfiatis E2M7: This is "High/Low 2" from 2007. Has undergone a lot of changes big and small throughout the level in terms of both gameplay and architecture. Level name: "Hunt 'em highnlow" Music: "Hysterical horror" by Paul Corfiatis E2M8: A never before released level. Originally intended for Paul Corfiatis' Doomed Space Wars, but I scrapped it. Took it up again for this mapset and made it work as a boss level. Level name: "Domain of evil" Music: "Sick Building Syndrome" by James "Jimmy" Paddock E2M9: Third part of "The Wailing Horde". Minor adjustments to accomodate its separation from the original pwad. Level name: "The end?" Music: "Caught in the shadows" by James "Jimmy" Paddock ========================================================================== Testers : SteveD, Stormwalker, TraceOfSpades, Gaspe, RjY, Ashstrodamus, EffinghamHuffnagel, dew and Scifista42. Thanks guys!! ========================================================================== Additional Credits to : Daniel Lemos for the statbar (I just modified his version a bit to fit my taste) Paul Corfiatis for music Xaser Acheron for music James "Jimmy" Paddock for music Skulltag (clouds) and Eye del Cul (mountains) for the images I used as ingredients to make the sky. plums for help with custom textures. Strife for sound effects. Perkristian for weapon sound effects. Heretic for teleport sound. Sigvatr for the palette. Descent for intro tune (modified by me). Esselfortium, Salt-Man Z, ClumsyDoomer, Doomkid, Vorpal and rdwpa for additional support and feedback on the Doomworld forums. BDL for informing me of a gamebreaking bug in M1 and an error in this txt file. =========================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : DOOM E2M1-E2M9. Single Player : Yes Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes New Sounds : Yes New Music : Yes New Graphics : Yes Demos Replaced : Yes * Construction * Base : Old levels of mine. Build Time : Three months... or 17 years. Depends on how you look at it, I guess :) Editor(s) used : Doom Builder 2, Slade 3, Paint.net, Gimp, Wcleaner Known Bugs : None. May Not Run With... : Vanilla Doom How To Run The File : Anyway you prefer, like: "prboom.exe -iwad doom.wad -file monument.wad" Note: I know that the new color palette has people divided. There are those of you who like it, and those that don't. I really urge you to give it an extra chance, but if you really, really hate it, I guess you could open the wad with Slade and delete the two files COLORMAP and PLAYPAL. But seriously, give it a shot... or two :) =========================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use these levels as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. =========================================================================== * Where to get this WAD * http://www.doomworld.com/idgames http://www.windward.dk/TDR (end of document.)