11-16-00 ================================================================ Advanced engine needed : ZDoom Primary purpose : Deathmatch ================================================================ Title : Atlantis Filename : Atlantis.wad Author : Striker Email Address : the_striker.geo@yahoo.com Misc. Author Info : One hell of a nutball. Has also done tfa01.wad but I don't suggest wasting your diskspace with that one it was made when i was in gradeschool and my standards were lower back then. I'm working on a rewrite of that wad right now. Description : A little test run of zdoom scripts for colored sectors and wadauthor actually it is the first deathmatch level I made that. I'm satisified enough to release in quite a while. Its a pond with some marble ruins at the surface. Includes some fog and swimmable water via zdoom. Please note this is level is primarily a small dm level focusing mainly on aquatic battle. Its kinda cool with long fights because you get bodies floating everywhere in the water it gets hard to see through them all. Additional Credits to : ID software for Doom Randy Heit for Zdoom Rick Clark for Zdoom editing tutorials Hersey for the copious amounts of chocolate that was consumed during the editing of this level ================================================================ * Play Information * Single Player : No Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build time : Approxomately 3 days Editor(s) used : WadAuthor Known Bugs : I think i squished them all. Installation : drop the wad into your zdoom directory run with the -file atlantis parameter along with any other parameters you might be using. * Copyright / Permissions * You may do as you damn well please with this wad as long as I get some credit for my (shoddy) work. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites:ftp.cdrom.com