================================================================== THE BRIDGE BETWEEN - A DEATHMATCH LEVEL FOR B O O M (by TNT Team) ================================================================== Title : THE BRIDGE BETWEEN Filename : bbetween.wad Date Finished : June 1998 Author : Albert Valls (Barcelona) Member of Presage. Email Address : 6420thi@comb.es Misc. Author Info : 25 years old. Composer and keyboard player. Description : A modified version of "The Bridge Between" map included in the Cyberdreams release. Less room and more attractive ambientation. There are enough starts for four players, but it should be played as a one-on-one deathmatch. Don't use this map with the original doom2.exe (you'll just be able to read an amazing "Visplane Overflow" message). "The future is in place, and waiting, but we have yet to discover it. Our present position is the bridge between. This position is hazardous because we are building the bridge while crossing it" Robert Fripp Other Levels By Author : - STARLESS.WAD - UZER0.WAD - HEATWAVE.WAD (5) - TPPAIR.WAD (3) (Dm) * - SGREEN.WAD - DSCPLINE.WAD (Dm) * - Co-author of the Cyberdreams adventure (CYDREAMS.ZIP) * * on the ftp.cdrom.com site Additional Credits To : ID, for their fantastic games. Ben Morris (DCK) Olivier Montanuy (WinTex) All the new Cyberdreamers in the world. Thank you very much for your words... and your demos! ========================================================== ========================================================== * PLAY INFORMATION * ========================================================== Game : Boom v2.0 Episode & Level : MAP 01 Single Player : No cybers this time. No. Cooperative 2-4 Player : No way. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Possibly maybe... Deathmatch Starts : Eight. Deathmatch Exit : Yes. Difficulty Settings : Not implemented. New Sounds : No. New Music : Bela Bartok's "Allegro Barbaro". New Graphics : New sky. Demos Replaced : No. I'd like to see one of yours... ========================================================== * Construction * ========================================================== Base : Modification of Cyberdreams' map 3. Editor(s) Used : DCK v3.62 WinTex v4.3 Build Time : Who the hell cares? Known Bugs : None known. Let me know if you find any. ========================================================== Copyright / Permissions : Authors MAY use these level as a base to build additional levels but please give me credit and let me know by e-mail. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. Where to get this WAD -> FTP sites: ftp.cdrom.com ========================================================== ==========================================================