================================================================ Title : Breed DM UPGRADE from v.1.1 to v.1.2 Filename : BREED_DM_12.ZIP Date : 2/16/1999 Author : Marc A. Pullen [FANATIC] Email Address : marcpullen@mindspring.com Misc. Author Info : The New Breed -all levels, coding, sounds, and graphics HacX -Levels 03, 16, and 17, various textures and some coding GothicDM2 -about 14 MIDI's ROKS and ROKS Rocket Arena Description : The most powerful DM weapons MOD you will ever play -just add maps and yer set! This is a small DeHackEd file upgrade from v.1.1 to v.1.2, BREED_DM.ZIP is REQUIRED, as this only upgrades the DeHackEd file, not the WAD file. Additional Credits to : Banjo Software Everyone that worked on GothicDM 1 and 2 Kennith Scott for getting me a position at Banjo Software DOOM Legacy source port authors id for being kewl guys Rick Clark for being the mapping machine he is :) ============================================================================= ================ = INSTALLATION = ================ Unzip BREED_DM_12.ZIP to C:\DOOM2\BREED_DM, overwrite the current BREED_DM.DEH. If you installed BREED DM elsewhere, locate BREED_DM.DEH, and overwrite it with this one. Once complete, you are upgraded to v.1.2. Here's the version history: # ================================ # = Breed DM DeHackEd File v.1.2 = # ================================ # # v.1.2 changes: # # Changed THING 55 (small blue torch) # so it's non-blocking (BITS=0) to accomodate # Rick Clarks NBDMRC02.WAD (he used them # as fire in damaged floor and wall # areas, and the player couldn't walk # through them) # THING 55 is now a red torch with no stick # (just a flame) # # Sped up default weapon again, to make it a # tad more fair when spawning # # Fixed fatal crash with BFG replacement!!!! # It might be a bit less devastating tho, but hardly :) # # Restored the stupid ammo and weapon changes # made, so mappers can use the default weapons and # ammo now (some were inverted, where bullet ammo spawned # a chaingun, and vice versa): # # -pistol/default weapon is the faster chaingun # -shotgun is the single Apache chaingun # -dbshotgun is the dual Apache chaingun # -chaingun is the accelerator trigger (super fast chaingun) # -plasma rifle is the flame thrower # -BFG is the napalm gun # # Added new blood effect (check it out using the default weapon). # # ===================================================== # # v1.1 changes: # # Supports regular player sprites for # use with skins. # Included in the WAD is the red chaingunner skin # modified for use with DM (red was changed # to green so color change is possible like # the green marine skin) =========================== = Copyright / Permissions = =========================== Authors MAY use this MOD as a base to build additional levels or MODs. You MAY distribute this MOD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. ========================= = Where to get this MOD = ========================= FTP sites: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/doom2 Other: http://www.mindspring.com/~andyboy http://www.doomworld.com