================================================================ Title : CoDead II Filename : codead2.wad Author : Emil Harold Brundage Email Address : ehb2@humboldt.edu Editors used : Deth 4.14, BSP node builder ver 2.3, RMB v 2.3 Base : New level for BOOM engine : Requires DOOM2.wad Known Bugs : Some of the monsters don't come back to life as they should. Thanks To : You. Arioch from Doomworld for uploading this for me. My playtesters: Julian Brooke Robert Thompson Jeff ================================================================ * General Information * Codead 2 is a little different then most maps. It is meant to be played as 2-on-2 capture the flag. The level was designed to be played in coop mode, not deathmatch mode. A little crazy, I know. I originally released this map in '98, but have decided to re-release it for the hay of it. The general idea - Each team has its own base. The goal is to infiltrate the enemy team's base and nab the flag (key) that they gaurd. They are trying to do the same to you. The shotgun and chaingun are provided near the player starts. If extra time is taken a player can locate a rocket launcer and double barrel withen his base. The player can come and go easily through his base, thanks to a key he starts with that allows him easy access. The opposing team, however, must work their way through his base through one of two paths that may or may not kill them. These paths contain all sorts of obsticles, from crushing ceilings to lava floors to monsters. The player must work his way through these obsticles, unless he and his teammate work together. If they do, one can lower a teleporter for the other that allows him to zap directly into the heart of the opponent's base, with easy access to the flag. Once a player penetrates his enemy's base and locates the flag, he will find a plasma gun and a quick escape out of the back of the enemy base. He must then carry the flag, without being gunned down, back to his own base. The key he has captured shall open a door in his base that leads to the exit. At this point the opposing team has one last chance to stop him from winning. In their start room is a teleporter that leads into the heart of the enemy's base, not allowing them to capture a key, but allowing them to take their last shots at the player while the final door slowly opens. If the player reaches his exit before the opposing team reaches theirs, he wins. He hits a switch and watches as the enemy base blows up. His opponents also drop dead. A few notes: If you hear a switch, it means one of two things. Either someone just picked up a flag, or someone is about to win. Remember this is co-op mode. You can see where each other is on the map, and you can look through each other's eyes. There is a demo as part of this wad. Please watch it to help figure out where everything is in this map. I only hope it still works... it glitches halfway through when i use Prboom. I'm not sure if it works all the way through using Boom. Sadly, I remember this map to be a little unbalaced. The tech base is easier to get through than the goth. I have a few ideas on how to fix this, but it has been so long since I have edited maps I can't figure out how to get any of the tools to work anymore. I put in different items for different skill levels, so feel free to see what is different when you change the difficulty setting. I recommend Ultraviolence for the best results, however. ================================================================ * Play Information * Game : BOOM Doom2 Level # : Map 01 Single Player : Yes (take a look around) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, Cooperative Death Match! Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Ya, but don't. Difficulty Settings : None New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : Yes Monsters : Yes Status : Still want to fix things, but can't remember how to edit anymore. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may do whatever they want with this wad, just don't release anything based on this wad without letting me know and getting my permission. But please, work on it for me and make it balanced. I'll give you a shiney nickle. ================================================================