Date Completed : July 6, 1999 Title : Descent 3-5 Filename : desc345.wad Other Works : SP: Eulogy(1-9), Artica(1-4), Dismemberment, Running Scared, Run or Die and Zort 1-4 DM: Descent(1-2), 10 maps in SurgeDM(megawad) Author : Cyberdemon (Mike Watson) Email Address : Description : Just some small DM maps I made. I have no clue why I made them, the mood just struck me I guess. They're the next three in the Descent DM series I guess. Whatever you want. Additional Credits to : id Software of course, the Gothic Texture dudes and Nick Baker for a few textures too. =============================================================== * Play Information * Game : Doom2. Use a source port, I can't get it to run with doom2.exe. MBF, Boom and ZDoom all work, I didn't try Legacy or DOSDoom. Level # : maps 1-3 Single Player : Just to look Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, anymore then 4 might be crapmed(especially in map 1) Difficulty Settings : Not needed New Sounds : No New Graphics : A few gothictx.wad textures and one or two from Surge, and some other graphics I made, they pretty much suck though New Music : 'Donations' by Mark Klem Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Levels from scratch Editor(s) used : WadED, WadAuthor, Warm, NWT, WinTex, Midi2Mus, CLED Build Time : Lost track Known Bugs : I don't know... * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You may distrubute this file in any format(CD ROM, BBS, whatever)provided that you include all files included in your distribution(as in, this text file) Where to Get this wad: FTP: