=========================================================================== Title : Forgotten Base Special Edition Filename : fbase_se.zip -- fbase_se.txt, fbase_se.wad, fbaseicd.wad Author : Tarin Web Page : http://www.doomhq.com/tarin Email Address : tarin@gmx.net Other Files By Author : look at my page Description : All four levels of the FBase series in one wad Additional Credits to : Cory Whittle for Immoral Conduct (www.immoral-conduct.net) =========================================================================== * Play Information * Map # : Map01-04 Single Player : Only for looking around Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Sure Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : some ambient ones New Music : From other DooM levels New Graphics : Yes, some from Quake2, Hexen, Parallel Dimenstion 2 Demos Replaced : None NOTE : Though you can play it in ZDooM I've added some script which automatically adds bots if you play this wad in Skull Tag. To do so start Skull Tag with this wad, select the second episode, go to console and type "map map01" If you start this wad in ZDooM you will get an error message at the beginning of each level saying "unknown p-code 135 in script 666". This is normal because this p-code is for ST only. You can download ST at http://www.doomworld.com/skulltag You can also play FBaseSE with the awesome DM mod Immoral Conduct (http://www.immoral-conduct.net). FBaseSE uses an DeHackEd script itself, so you've to add the included fbaseicd.wad *AFTER* icd-z.wad like this: zdoom -file icd-z.wad fbase_se.wad fbaseicd.wad * Construction * Base : based on my FBase series Build Time : only a short time to sort everything Editor(s) used : WADAuthor, WinTex, ZETH, TallSky Known Bugs : Some textures are not aligned scripts are not optimized. there are even some empty scripts Fireball spawner do not work in ZDooM, but work fine in Skull Tag. I've no idea why May Not Run With... : doom2.exe, Legacy, Dosdoom... only with ZDooM or SkullTag * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) * Where to get this WAD * http://www.doomhq.com/tarin Probably somewhere at cdrom.com