================================================================ Title : Freonic Craze Port : Zdoom Filename : freon.wad q2tex.wad needed (doomnation.com/afterglow) Author : Brad Spencer Email Address : bspencer@gis.net Web Site : http://gis.net/~bspencer Misc. Author Info : Member of Alien Vindicta wad team. Xenocide on doomserv Description : Yet another deathmatch level. Just sick of how Everyone on Doomserv plays dwango5. Maybe they Will take a break? This wad uses Afterglow's cool quake2 texture Pack. Go get it at doomnation.com/afterglow You will play by my rules. There is no bfg, and there are no megahealths. ================================================================ * Play Information * Map Number : 01 Single Player : The start is there. Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-8 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : No, everyone uses skill 5 New Sounds : Yeah, quake2 ambients. New Graphics : Yes, using q2tex.wad New Sprites : No New Music : Yes, mod music by necros Demos Replaced : Nah. ================================================================ * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Wintex, NWT, Wadauthor, BSP Known bugs : I dunno. If I knew of a bug, I wouldnt release this map Time Taken : Began on April 19, 2000. Finished in the early hours of april 21. ================================================================ * Credits * Afterglow, I wonder why Biff, help with a stupid wintex limit, and telling me about wadauthor way back Randy Heit, zdoom Alex Adolphson, staying up late helping me learn wadauthor. Good friend. Hellkeeper, a zdoom bot that was eager to die Shams Young, who (I assume) made the sky. I ripped it from relive.wad Rick Clark, tons of tutorials ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * Bah ==============================END===============================