================================================================ Title : Napalm Deathmatches Filename : napdm01.wad Author : Captain Napalm Email Address : capnapalm@t-online.de Homepage : none Other Releases : none Description : A great Deathmatch level entitled Temple of Small Demons, preatty : detailed with a brick/metal theme with a bit of marble thrown in. : There are two more levels which are a bit older but still good. : Also this wad includes all the Doom 1 textures which were missing : from Doom 2 as the two last levels require them. Additional Credits to : Ben Morris, id Software ================================================================ * Story * Deathmatch. The ultimate Challenge. You are part of an elite team of this fast and deadly sport. The rules are as follows one man from the team is teleported into the arena with a pistol and a personal teleportation device. The aim is to pick up the weapons scattered about the arena and to seek out and attack members of the other team. When a member from a team has sustained near lethal injuries he will be teleported out of the arena to the sick bay and a new member from the team will take his place. A Holographic image portraying the team member dying will be projected into the arena for the amusment of the fans. ================================================================ * Play Information * Sourceport : I think none but an advanced port is recommended Game : Doom ][ Level : Map01-03 Single Player : Yes for looking around Cooperative : No Deathmatch : Yes Difficulty Settings : No New Sounds : No New Graphics : Yes (From Doom 1 on Maps 02 and 03 only tho) New Music : No * Construction * Base : New level from scratch. Editors used : WinTex, DCK Known Bugs : None that I know of Build Time : The first level 4 days the others I donīt remember * Copyright / Permissions * You may distribute this .wad freely, provided you include this .txt file. You may not edit this .wad. Comments are greatly appreciated.