================================================================ Title : NesDeath II Filename : nesdth2.wad Author : Nestea Email Address : nestea17k@hotmail.com Description : Another 7 levels of pure deathmatchness by your SSG-wielding warrior, Nestea. This time, all the music are provided by LurkerHunter (yea, it's all original). Also new is a MAPINFO lump... which means that ZDOOM (and anything built off of it) players will get the cool rotating skies and such. Sorry, but none of the maps feature any ZDOOM-related things (which is good for those who play Legacy/JDOOM/etc.). Wait till NesDeath III for that! ;) Additional Credits to : LurkerHunter for providing ALL the music. Those that made the sound. ================================================================ * Play Information * Source Port : Advanced Port Recommended (hopefully anything built off of ZDOOM) Map Number : MAP01-MAP07 Single Player : No Cooperative 2-4 Player : No Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes Difficulty Settings : Yes (1-3 = Normal, 4-5 = SSG Only) New Sounds : Yes New Graphics : Yes New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Varies. Build Time : Almost 2 Weeks Level Editor(s) used : DOOM Builder Known Bugs : Wouldn't really suggest with DOOM2.EXE, like last time. * Maps * MAP01 - April Paradox (2004) MAP02 - Enigmatic (2004) MAP03 - Corruptioner (2004) MAP04 - Drink This! (2004) MAP05 - Wield (2004) MAP06 - Seventeen Reasons To Die (2004) MAP07 - Live Complex REDUX (2004) * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use any of these levels as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD in any way, as long as you keep the credits intact. If any of these sounds are yours and you don't want any more of your sounds included in other WADs, feel free to e-mail me. If you wish to include this in a megawad of some sort. You may, emailing me about the megawad when it is released... I'd like to see the megawad in action! :)