FULLSCREENTHISFILE FULLSCREENTHISFILE FULLSCREENTHISFILE ================================================================ Title : Black Sunset (Map #1 of sayron.wad, wad pack never to be released) Filename : Saydm1.wad (left it as 'dm1' as i may release another.) Date Finished : 06 August 1999, 10:30 pm (pst) (up all last night finishing it) Author : Robert Babor (Aka Shadow, Anomaly, The Rocket Guru) Webpage : Http://members.tripod.com/~Doomnut/Index.htm Contacts : Shadowhc@hotmail.com or icq me at 6989893 Misc. Author Info : I fired up doom for the first time in 1992 (yes i know what ur thinking... doom wasn't out, but i had access to a beta version). I've been making lvl's since late 1994 and have never released a map. I've made over 50 high quality maps which have never been seen by the doom community. Author of the highly UNKNOWN Hellcore TC (not released, although it is basicly completed). Description : A Control Station located in Area 6 of a military complex. This lvl was NOT created to be an insane fragfest, but with 3+ people it can be. I tried to make this lvl very realistic and I spent many moons fixing bad offsets. The name "Sayron.wad" originates from the names of my 2 lan-ing buddies which I dedicated these lvls to. Enjoy ;) Additional Credits to : To me myself and I for making these lvls, A huge thanks to DarkFang from doomnation (darkfang@doomnation.com) for helping me beta test and for his help in getting it on the web, To idsoftware for making doom and to everyone left in the doom community keeping doom alive. ================================================================ * Play Information * (for any port that raises doom's v/p limit) Episode and Level # : Map 01 for Doom legacy, Zdoom, Boom etc. Single Player : Yes, to scope out the level. Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes, but why? Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes, 8 dm starts.. (if u try this with 8, it'll be hell unleashed) Difficulty Settings : Skill 5 double ammo, all other skills dm 2.0 New Sounds : Yes (1 or 2 from Q2) New Graphics : Yes (All by me) New Music : Yes Demos Replaced : None ================================================================ * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Adobe Photoshop 4, Bsp 3.0, Dck 3.62, Nwt 1.3, RMB 2.1, Wally 1.37 beta, Wintex 4.2 Build Time: I have no idea.. a very long time. There was a lot of On and off construction to it. I guess abouut 1-2 months of actual 'work'. Being the perfectionist that I am i fixed every noticeable bad offset in the lvl. Known Bugs : heh, almost all the walls have offsets on them.. there better not be any damn bugs! Oh and if you're using Gl-Legacy you will notice that the lighting sucks. (If it runs at all) Well that's a problem with Gl-Legacy and not this lvl because Gl-Legacy makes everything much brighter. (I hope they fix that) Oh last thing.. my system clock is totally messed so these files will have odd dates of creation, access and modify times. ================================================================ * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels and may NOT use any graphics found within this wad without getting my permission first. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/idgames/levels/doom2/deathmatch/s-u/saydm1.zip ================================================================