=========================================================================== Advanced engine needed : Zdoom, Zdaemon, or Skulltag Primary purpose : Deathmatch =========================================================================== Title : The Last Strike Deathmatch 2004 Edition Filename : TLSD2004.WAD Release date : Dec. 31st, 2003 Author : Sazabi, Jackass, ATG_Death, and Chrono Email Address : Sonic250j@netscape.net (chrono), Sazabi_der_zerstoerer@hotmail.com (sazabi), Markdravich@hotmail.com (jackass), Atg_death@hotmail.com (Atg_death) Other Files By Authors : Blizzard.wad, Tlsdm.wad, Tlsdm2k3.wad, Tlsd2003.wad, Tlsdm2.wad & Zd_patch.wad, Redalert.wad, Chronoring.wad, Chronotown.wad, EFPDEMO.wad, Powerplant.wad, Iceage.wad, Drav35.wad, Drav35dm.wad, Drav35d2.wad, Drav35d3.wad, Lamedoom.wad, Markdeath.wad, Churchofsatan.wad, Erdeherz.wad, SewageDM.wad, Nintendo.wad, and a shitload of other files we can't keep track of... Misc. Author Info : Yes, we rule, you suck (ego baby!). Rob is a bitch! LET EVERYONE KNOW! Description : The 2004 edition of the Tlsdm series Additional Credits to : Lyfe, Clan[UD], GSN, Raider and associates, Deathzor, and our beta testers =========================================================================== * Credits to files in wad * TEXTURES: -The textures are from various games and doom mods. Most of them are actually doom flats or Quake textures. Thanks to the Skulltag and Unidoom teams for the others. SOUNDS: -The sounds were collected from a few games and movies, and some from a couple of dwangos SPRITES: -The bfg ball was made by Gothy. The plasma ball was from Doom64, along with the railgun. The player sprite was from Toke's zskins file. The status bar is from wangotag.wad, the face is from brit11.wad, the numbers are from operation: arctic wolf, and the menu sprites were made by chrono. The new weapons had to be dropped due to filesize and lag on zdaemon (crappy support at times, good thing we have skulltag). MUSIC: -The music was found online on various midi web pages. I wouldn't be suprised if you have heard the midis before. * What is included * New levels : 18 levels, map01-18 Sounds : Yes Music : Yes Graphics : Yes (and the railgun is the plasma gun from Doom64) Dehacked/BEX Patch : Yes Demos : No (go out of sync) Other : Uhhhh.... Other files required : Doom2.wad and Zdoom based engine * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : Map01 - Map18 Single Player : No Cooperative 2-4 Player : No (some levels do not have more than 1 player start) Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (the whole point) Other game styles : None? Difficulty Settings : Not implemented Map map01 "Brick Compound" -A brick structure that is left behind from an age old empire Map map02 "Play Ball!" -A baseball field. See if you can hit enemies with the homerun rockets Map map03 "Roman Aquaduct" -A remix of the roman ruins map from Tlsd2003 Map map04 "Tech Center" -A technical compound built into a dry (but not without a river) lakebed Map map05 "Sky Arena" -An arena floating high into the atmosphere Map map06 "Dooming Facility" -A computer facility that has been re-opened for some hardcore deathmatch Map map07 "Rose" -A rose-shaped gateway station. Be sure to watch for the other players warping in Map map08 "Volcano!" -A long forgoten mining site in the mouth of a volcano. Comes with firey brimstone action pose! Map map09 "Siberian Outpost" -A frozen fortress in the outskirts of Russia Map map10 "The Void" -Who says quake 3 is better than doom? This map breaks that statement. Q3DM17 style! Map map11 "Super-market remix" -And you thought it was closed down... Map map12 "Toxin Refinery" -A toxin dump site. Don't touch the platform the bfg is on... Map map13 "Nukage Plant" -Another waste dump that will leave you saying "now I'm radioactive...that can't be good" Map map14 "Erde Herz" -That's right ladies, Erde Herz is back! Map map15 "Cursed" -A tower high above the clouds... Map map16 "SMB remix" -The TLSDM counter-map to udm2's map12...only this is the original Map map17 "wangotag map03" -A classic wangotag map. Author unknown... Map map18 "wangotag map04" -I really need to find out who made these wangotag maps so I can credit 'em... * Construction * Base : Tlsdm2k3.WAD was the base, then removed old maps and music and built the new stuff Build Time : 6 aching months of determination Editor(s) used : DEEPSEA, Wadauthor, Wintex, Doom builder Known Bugs : If there are any we didn't catch, we're sorry... May Not Run With... : A crappy p166, 32mb ram, 2mb video card that can't even load porn * Copyright / Permissions * You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: http://chronosdoomsource.cjb.net