=========================================================================== Title : Death Match Marathon Wad Filename : dmarathn.wad Date Finished : 8:47 AM Aest, Sunday, December 19, 1997 Author : Keene Ho Email Address : Keene@suburbia.com.au Other Files By Author : This is my first one. Misc. Author Info : Go to my site at http://www.suburbia.com.au/~keene If you live in the Sydney area e-mail me to play. Please e-mail me if you have any comments or suggestions, I would greatly apreciate it. Description : You wake up one day trapped in an area that you have never seen before. Wandering around for a while you discover that you are not alone. Another person (or persons depending on the number of players) like you is/are also in the same situation. You get a sudden urge to kill anything that breaths as well as finding you way back to your space ship before they frag you. There is a BFG 9000 and Supercharge in this one but trust me, they're very hard to get without dying. The corners are for all you lame campers out there. If you ever play a camper just fire a whole pile of rockets in there, that always flushes them out. If you're ever being chased on the outside. Just dive into one of the portals or get them on one of the corners. Always be aware of any door sound that occurs. If you do hear it then that means that a player is trying to get a BFG, Plasma Rifle, Mega Armour, Supercharge, Light Goggles or Beserk. If you can't kill them before they get through the door run to the middle standing ready with a super shotgun. If you're the one going for the good stuff while your fellow deathmatcher is waiting at the teleport then your best bet is to go for the Supercharge or Mega Armour in the hope that they will save your life. This map is generally more for people who like open spaced maps. However, I have put some dark tunnels in to ballance it out a little. Additional Credits to : Jonathon Dick, Jae Eun Cho, Nikhil Dingra, Adam O'byrne, and Jerrold Herrera for all the "playtesting" and suggesting they did for me. Id Software for this exellent game. =========================================================================== * Play Information * Map # : Doom 2 Map 01 Single Player : If you must. Cooperative 2-4 Player : Not really, but I still put the 4 starting positions just in case you forgot to enter deathmatch and still need to talk. Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YESSSS! Difficulty Settings : Yes. The monsters change. New Sounds : No New Music : Yes. The Mission Imposible theme song. I got it from some midi library internet site. New Graphics : Yes. The picture you get in between the levels. Demos Replaced : 1, A two player altdeath game with Jonathon Dick and me. The demo is from my view. It is without monsters and on nightmare mode. It goes for 728 seconds * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Build Time : Around four months! :( Editor(s) used : Dck, New Wad Tools, Wintex, Midi2mus, Quickc Known Bugs : None but if you find any PLEASE let me know. Its for your own good. May Not Run With... : Anything other than v 1.9 because of the demo. So just start playing before the demo does. * Copyright / Permissions * Authors may NOT use this level as a base to build additional levels. You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact and you tell me about it (I would be interested). * Where to get this WAD * FTP sites: http://www.suburbia.com.au/~keene http://www.rivernet.com.au/~obyrne ftp.cdrom.com BBS numbers: Other: