========================================================================== Title : Doom 666 Filename : doom666.wad Author : Garhan 'FireBug' Attebury Email Address : firebug@eoni.com Misc. Author Info : This is my first WAD I actually finished... (all my others went straight to hell) Description : Umm... well... it's a wad... you can go outside, inside, north, south, east, west, up, down, left, right... umm... up down??? Quake2 was released exactly four days ago, and I being the Quake-a-holic I am, get a little confused sometimes. Well, this is really sad. I made a Quake2 map and actually ran it (simple box and not much more) before I finished a Doom WAD. What's wrong with this picture? Build Time : -started sometime in 1995 -finished December 13th, 1997 at 9:33pm PST (a very long time in other words) Additional Credits to : The DEU Team, whoever the heck made the rt_jp.wad (without it, I would have never figured out how to change the sky... or at least within this life time), and of course, ID for giving me Wolf, Doom, Quake, and even the source for Wolf3D... now if I can just get the source for the Quake engine... \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / 0 0 \_____________/ (don't you just love ASCII!) ========================================================================== * Play Information * Game : DOOM II Level # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes (key... exit... joy...) Cooperative 2-4 Player : Yes (again... key... exit... joy...) Deathmatch 2-8 Players : YES!!! (why else would I have made it???) However, a little big for just two players... Difficulty Settings : Umm... Nope... I was too lazy to do it... New Sounds : None New Graphics : New sky... night time... again... thanks to the maker of the RT_JP.WAD... New Music : Yes... umm... creepn_d.mid... Which is actually Creeping Death by Metallica!!! Demos Replaced : None ========================================================================== * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : WinDEU 5.24 (32bit) and WinTex 4.2 (damn cool editors!) Known Bugs or problems : A few non-alined textures (grrribble) and a few bugs where I put in the lighting effects (after seeing Quake... I just couldn't resist... There is also two places with the Medusa Effect (or is it the Tutti Frutti effect? I'm not sure) (BEWARE!!! It'll turn you into a stone BUG!!!) Ok ok... So there's a lot of non aligned textures! I don't think anyone will care... since you'll probably only play it for a deathmatch... and if you're dumb enough to stop moving to look at them, may you have a nice and swift death... ========================================================================== * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels (just give me some credit PLEASE!!!) You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. However, you MAY NOT make someone pay for this... * Where to get this WAD * (Why the hell would you care... I mean, you have it... don't you?) FTP and WWW sites: http://www.eoni.com/~firebug/ ftp.cdrom.com I would like some feedback since this is my first (working) WAD... send some to firebug@eoni.com