================================================================ Title : Head-to-Head Deathmatch Filename : hed2hed.zip Author : Sidearm Joe E-mail : blackshadow@start.com.au Other wads : Hostage Rescue Hostage Rescue 2 Hostage Rescue 3 Catwalk (A 'conceptual' deathmatch map) Twilight Warrior (www.doomworld.com/twilight/main.htm) Description: Three fairly small, arena style levels to get the heart pumping in the ritual combat of two player, head- to-head deathmatch. You won't have to play for twenty minutes searching through some sh*tty, gigantic map trying to find your opponent (who probably turns out to be a dirty, lame camper anyway). Designed purely with two players in mind, these maps will have you and a friend(??) duking it out like a couple of nude mud-wresters on a daytime chat show. But it ain't all "rocket launcher in a phone box" style combat -- you'll need a bit of skill too. NAIL: A tight, quirky little map, with some nice fake 3D thrown in for good measure. If you can't rack up a couple of frags per minute then you're not trying hard enough. Players: Two should be plenty. PAIN: The biggest map in the set. At first it might look like a campers' paradise, but is it? A panoply of remotely opened doors and disorientating symmetrical design creates frantic and confusing combat. Players: Designed for two, but playable with 3, maybe 4. RISK: The BFG sits tantalisingly in the middle of the map, completely exposed. Is the BFG the key to victory or the surest route to receiving a rocket up the ass? There's only one way to find out... Players: Two should be plenty. * Play Information * Maps : Map 1, 2, 3 Engine : Doom2 (should also work with your favourite source mods; Legacy, DosDoom, ZDoom, Boom etc.) Single Player : Yes (for testing purposes) Co-op Play : No Deathmatch : Yep *Construction * Base : New levels Editors used : DCK 3.0 / Zennode 0.98a * Copyright / Permissions * I don't give a fig - just as long as you give me a credit if you use the maps in any way, shape or form.