=========================================================================== Archive Maintainer : This is the same as njdoom2.zip which was a corrupted upload Update to : Old 1994 file but uploaded March 2006 Advanced engine needed : Any engine shold work Primary purpose : Single+Coop play =========================================================================== Title : NJ Doom2 Filename : NJDoom2.wad Release date : Some time in 1994 (File date indicates December) Author : Nigel "Enjay" Rowand Email Address : Enjay001@hotmail.com Other Files By Author : Quite a few, mainly beginning with the letters "NJ" :) Misc. Author Info : Not much to tell Description : Olde replacement for Doom2. Released purely because of interest in old, cheesy 1994 WADS. This is not the first version of this file. It may be based on an early revision but this one has been "legalised" by removing maps 31 and 32 which were just edited version of the Id originals to make them a little more like the Wolf originals. It is likely that this is not even based on the original version of NJDoom but an early revision. The file date indicated a December 1994 release which may or may not be accurate. This file was originally uploaded to the Compuserve action games forum in 1994. Additional Credits to : Full details in original text files =========================================================================== * What is included * New levels : 30 Sounds : No Music : No Graphics : Some wall and incidental graphics Dehacked/BEX Patch : No Demos : Yes, but I think they are for Doom ver 1.666, not that they are interesting anyway. Other : No Other files required : None * Play Information * Game : DOOM2 Map # : Map01-30 Single Player : Designed for Cooperative 2-4 Player : Player starts Present - was tested many years ago Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Player starts Present - was tested many years ago Other game styles : None Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New from scratch Build Time : Unknown Editor(s) used : Various Known Bugs : None known, but there will be some May Not Run With... : Should run with anything, except scissors * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use the contents of this file as a base for modification or reuse. Permissions have been obtained from original authors for any of their resources modified or included in this file. You MAY distribute this file, provided you include this text file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. I have received permission from the original authors of any modified or included content in this file to allow further distribution. * Where to get the file that this text file describes * The Usual: ftp://archives.3dgamers.com/pub/idgames/ and mirrors Web sites: FTP sites: =========================================================================== * Original Text File * =========================================================================== OK before we start - all the levels are possible. The game has been played right through by me at all difficulty levels and by others. If you can't find your way off or a switch or key card then keep looking it is there. Have fun. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starport Levels ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 1 - The Terminal. A nice small level to start built near some ruined buildings. Level 2 - Platform 1. Looking at the landing platform you are sure it never used to be made of wood and you are quite sure the landing lights didn't used to be flaming red torches. Oh well it looks like you have another fight on your hands. Level 3 - The Lake. Taking a stroll outside to the polluted lake you may spot some of the charming local wild life - and kill them. Level 4 - Power Room. The exit for this level is behind the red key door but the red key is way down in the bowels of the old power station. Can you find the quick way back up ? Level 5 - Pyramids of Power. Ever since ancient times the pyramid has been a focus of mystical power. Now all you have to do is smear hell spawn on them. Level 6 - Docking Point. The old delivery and docking base can't be too bad - can it ? Level 7 - You're Dead - Simple. Right that's the last mancubus killed. Yep here come the arachnotrons just kill them and .... Oh that didn't work. There must be a switch round here somewhere. Level 8 The Amphitheatre. This looks a bit like the ancient roman amphitheatres. Except this time they don't throw Christians to the lions they throw marines to the demons. Level 9 - Teleport Lab. This is not a nice place to be. Creatures from "the other side" seem to teleport in at will. Level 10 - Rad Pits. This was the old power station. Unfortunately it leaked and became known as the rad pits. Got your rad suit ready ? Level 11 - Demon Control. Ever wondered where the barons of hell live ? This would be a good place to start looking. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- City Levels. - Ok so most of them are not very city like. Don't play 'em if you dont like 'em --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 12 - City Terminal. The main transport terminal for the city.(This level is supposed to end with you stuck in a cell but this could cause unfairness in a deathmatch game so you can get out by shooting the bars.) Level 13 - The Long Run. This level starts in the same cell as the last one ended but this time the bad guys have found how you discovered the exit. You will have to find another way. You have heard about a very long corridor that would get you out but first you must get out of the cell. Level 14 - Psychic Research. Using magic symbols and modern electronics they tried to contact the minions of Hell. Unfortunately for you they managed. Level 15 - A crushing Time. This level could leave you feeling very flat. Keep your eyes peeled. The yellow skull key will get you off the level but you will need to search and fight for the blue and the red to find the secret exit. What's more - you only get one chance at the blue key. Level 16 - The Old Town. A well preserved example ancient architecture. In the interests of conservation please use your rocket launcher sparingly. Level 17 - Research Department. This used to be a stuffy old building built during World War II to house stuffy old boffins. Now the cold corridors echo with the screams of tortured souls. Hmmm - nice. Level 18 - The Old Sewage Works. Take a walk down through the old works. The sewage has all but gone now but you can still look up at the sky through the old sewage pits and wonder at the sheer agony being inflicted on you by the imp you hadn't noticed lurking in the shadows. This is the first of Mark Matheson's levels to be included. Minor texture, object and sector alterations were made by Enjay when converting it from DOOM to DOOM II. Level 19 - Under the City. - The new sewage works are very much in use. All the main routes are flooded with green goo and a lot of unpleasant indivuals seem to have taken up residence in it's maze like structure. This is the second of Mark Matheson's levels to be included. Once again minor texture, object and sector alterations were made by Enjay when converting it. Level 20 - City Control. The large city control complex is not what it used to be. The neighbourhood has gone right down hill. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Hell Levels - Ok now it's really time to get in there and wipe the smile off Satans face. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Level 21 - Bridge to Despair. What a miserable name for a level. lets just get over there and kick butt. Level 22 - Hells Onion. OK I take it all back the last level had a good name compared to this one. I wonder why it's called that. Answers on a postcard will be ignored. Level 23 - Ring of Pain. Ouch, this sounds like a bad case. It would be very embarrassing to fight your way through Hell only to come out with a case of haemorrhoids. Level 24 - Death Fortress. That's better, an encampment from hell patrolled by hideous demons and mutants. What am I saying - that's not even remotely better. Level 25 Blood Island. Well it doesn't sound like some South Pacific paradise island does it? Still it could be better than Marbella. This is the third of Mark Matheson's levels. It was about two thirds complete when I got my grubby hands on it, converted it to DOOM II and added a whole pile of new stuff. Level 26 - Exercise Yard. Now this is nice. A big area to run around in. Oh **** that thing is chasing me and I,ve got to jump over there for the key. Argh something else is after me now. What's that coming out of there. Get me some new under-pants quick. Level 27 - Get Down. Does this mean we're going to dance ? That cyber enhanced mechanical guy looks like he wants to do something with you anyway. Level 28 - Detention Complex. This is where all the apprentice demons get to practice their skills in tormenting people's eternal souls. They then go on to become game show hosts. Level 29 - Spinal Trap. You may get a bit of deja-vu here. The maze sections are a hideous parody of the sewer you came through in the city. Level 30 - The Icon's Brother. You know the bad guy at the end of DOOM II ? You do ? Well he's got a brother. Secret Wolfenstein Levels - Only very slight editing of the original id levels here because I like the way they are. The names of these levels have not been changed from the originals. Level 31 - The changes I have made are very minor. You now get credited with finding the secrets and the end lift rooms are changed a bit to look more like the wolf originals. Level 32 - Once again only minor changes. Credit for finding secrets, the addition of the secret room that id missed out for some reason and the ending changed to be in keeping with the wolf level that id copied for this level. Th.. th.. th.. th.. that's all folks.