------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Title : SMK Heretic Deathmatch v1.1 Author : J.C. Bengtson (SailorScout) Original Release : December 6th, 1999 E-Mail : golbez@ptd.net sailorscout@planetfortress.com Web : http://home.ptd.net/~golbez http://sailorscout.cjb.net Included Files : SMKHDM .WAD SMKHDM .TXT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Description : This is a small Heretic DM map modeled after the second battle arena in the SNES game Super Mario Kart. I've included the music from that map, as well as the same layout. The design leads to lots of fast-paced battles as you can always see the other players! I have made some small changes since the last version to accomodate more players' tastes and to balance things a bit more. The Morph Ovums proved to be devastating in such a wide open area, so I removed them. I also took out the Tome of Power because it was very easy to exceed the maximum visible sprite limit with it. The exit is now in the middle, since not everyone wants to have a timer to leave a map. In addition, there are now enemies on skills above Easy. On Medium difficulty, a few Gargoyle Leaders appear over the water and attack. On Hard, there is now a Maulotaur in the arena! While he can't get close enough to dash or use some of his other moves, the flames he CAN use prove to be a major pain. Only recommended for DM players who seek a challenge.. of course you can always turn off monsters or play on a lower skill level if these creatures bother you. Note that since this level is E6M1, you'll need to use the warp code (engage), or the '-warp' command line parameter. Revision History : v1.1 - Added the pillars with torches outside in the water, added steps to allow access to higher ground, added Gargoyles and Maulotaur, added more Firemaces and ammo, changed the Tome of Power to a Mystic Urn, added the exit switches in the middle area, changed the height of the sectors from 256 to 512, added a small 'beach' area outside fenced area, changed a few small LINEDEFS here and there, altered the water texture and type (for some reason it was set to 'lava' before), and removed the Morph Ovums. v1.0 - First release. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLAY INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Game/Map # : Heretic, E6M1 Demos Replaced : N/A Supported Modes : Deathmatch (8 starts) Difficulty Settings : Full implementation Base : A UAC facility on Phobos. Oh, I mean, all new level from scratch! Build Time : Just under 4 hours. Editor(s) used : DETH v4.42 BSP 3.0 NWT v1.3 Level Statistics : THINGS - 122 VERTICES - 208 LINEDEFS - 224 SIDEDEFS - 444 SECTORS - 57 Known Bugs : If there were any bugs that I knew of and I still released this, I would go to hell. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ LEGAL BITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Authors are NOT permitted to use this compilation as a base for their own. You MAY distribute this compilation, provided it is the original ZIP file. id Software provides no support for any user add-ons, including this one. All mentioned trademarks are the property of their respective companies. This map copyright (C) J.C. Bengtson