================================================================= Title : HexFall Filename : HEXFALL.WAD Authors : Andy Kendall Email Address : llandy@host.yab.com Description : A small level for Hexen that has a room with a bunch of pillars in it.. You gotta stay up on these pillars to stay alive..While trying to kill the other guy(s).. Additional Credits to : Raven for making the best 3d game yet.. Buy Hexen!! It's too cool to go unpaid for! ================================================================ * Play Information * Level # : MAP01 Single Player : Yes, to check out the levels Cooperative 2-4 Player : NO! Deathmatch 2-4 Player : YES! Difficulty Settings : The only difference is on Easy=no Disk of repusion on the middle pillar. New Sounds : Nope New Graphics : No.. Hard to do it at this point New Music : No.. music rox in the game.. Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : Built from scratch.. well..I used a mouse, and my computer.. and.. uh.. you get the picture.. Editor(s) used : Deth 2.666 a cool new DEU looking editor, some nifty Nodes builder (Zen095.zip), and a hex editor cuz Deth doesn't put in the right stuff for the "When appears" flag.. Build Time : Prolly 2 hrs.. (Hex editing mostly) Known Bugs : None that I know of.. (Email..:)) * Copyright / Permissions * You can like, use this for anything.. It's not like it's hard to make a square level with about 7 squares inside of it.. * Where to get this WAD * ftp.cdrom.com and it's mirrors..