This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it... 1225TY01.TXT 1225TY01.ZIP 1225TY01.LMP - I'm TOO YOUNG to die. This is a Compet-n/Doom2/10LVS Entry... Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 - Only DooM II - "Episode 1" - Levels 01 to 10 Kills Items Secrets And TIME!! Health Armour LV 01 - 0% 0% 0% 0" 09 (100 0) LV 02 - 65% 15% 100% ! 1" 19 (100 182) LV 03 - 37% 0% 0% 0" 54 (100 171) LV 04 - 80% 58% 66% 1" 12 ( 81 145) LV 05 - 21% 0% 0% 0" 54 ( 90 127) LV 06 - 30% 5% 33% 1" 38 (168 173) LV 07 - 100% ! 83% 100% ! 0" 50 (200 200) ! LV 08 - 42% 75% 0% 1" 44 (200 200) ! LV 09 - 58% 15% 0% 2" 49 (200 200) ! LV 10 - 6% 19% 16% 0" 56 (183 200) Total Time = 6" 201 6" + 6" 25 ------ TOTAL TIME = 12" 25 Description :-) ... Slow - But Good ... *ALL* Levels Under PAR! But on (the cry-baby) Skill Level One... so they should be ;-) On this "Skill" (? ;-) level the general tactics are to simply run for all of the switches and get to each exit as quickly as possible. If any of those monsters get in the way - frag them, but there isn't a lot of point 'cos they don't do you too much damage, though you do get twice as much ammo', so - frag away! Level 01 - Easy! On ANY Skill Level! Just Run for the exit :-) Oh look, 70 bullets ;-) Level 02 - Under Par ;-) My first time! ;-) Thanks to L. Kirby for the tips ;-) though THAT was on UV! Level 03 - Never a problem - The Par time of 2:00 is so simple to achieve. A good place to start a "D2L", perhaps? Nah, you just don't need those power ups ;-) Level 04 - Kill 'em or dodge 'em ?? or just don't bother ;-) I do a nice little "hop-over" at the end. Level 05 - What no Soul Sphere? I thought that was supposed to be "compensation" for LV04 being, oh, so difficult? Except it wasn't ;-) 54 sec. was still a bit on the slow side though. Level 06 - Only a Baron? Together with the Plasma Gun and such an easy blue key. Though using the plasma was a bit over the top - should save it for the end. I dodged the (single) Revenant OKay, without taking a single hit. Almost 1 min. Under Par ;-) This LV06 is a bit more difficult on UV though... Time for a short break, I read... ;-) Level 07 - At 50 sec. this was still rather slow but using the plasma gun and then the (new-found) rocket-launcher is still faster than the "standard" reverse method, probably ;-) But why did I bother to dodge 'em when there was a Mega-Sphere to get when I was done? ;-) Level 08 - Four invulnerabilities... This is going to be So... Easy! This level can be done much faster. If you're prepared to chance it - OKay, so I still "cheat" at the end - But why risk it? ;-) Level 09 - Took my standard route here - Only shot the initial guys so could end on 200-200 - I didn't really need (to use) all of those rockets and wasted 15 sec. at the end so, 2 min. Under Par should be possible. Level 10 - This is, I believe, the ideal route for this level, though I normally go around the opposite way... why might that be? ;-) I frag the Baron at the end, and why not - he deserved it ;-) And there I Stop, wait 20 sec. and then Hit "Q" :-) So, Beat This - Or do "Episode 2" Or maybe "Episode 3" - Or an even better demo on a, more acceptable, ie. higher Skill Level S. Widlake