This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it... 1250UV01.TXT 1250UV01.ZIP 1250UV01.LMP - Ultra Violence This is a Compet-n/Doom2/10LVS Entry... Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 - Only DooM II - "Episode 1" - Levels 01 to 10 Kills Items Secrets And TIME!! Health Armour LV 01 - 3% 0% 0% 0" 11 (100 0) LV 02 - 63% 20% 100% 1" 13 ( 71 140) LV 03 - 34% 22% 100% 0" 53 (126 138) LV 04 - 72% 55% 66% 1" 25 ( 93 60) LV 05 - 27% 33% 0% 1" 04 ( 59 86) LV 06 - 45% 11% 100% 1" 58 ! (122 131) LV 07 - 100% 50% 100% 1" 21 (146 149) LV 08 - 21% 60% 0% 1" 08 (195 130) LV 09 - 40% 29% 0% 2" 35 ( 99 87) LV 10 - 18% 22% 16% 1" 02 ( 59 77) Total Time = 9" 230 9" + 3" 50 ------ TOTAL TIME = 12" 50 -------- Description :-) In the last .TXT I said under 13 mins. would be a nice performance, but now I know it's possible under 12:00 (Yes !) - Look at MAP08+MAP09 8-(. MAP04-06 and MAP10 are wonderful - rest is ok. So, let's see if anybody beats this. Now I'm training for "DooM II Episode II". It's much harder to play it fast - Next, I think I'll try to [ prove "Hunter" Hoof wrong again and ] go for DooM (1) Incubus. Anthe Andreas Kren [ All Levels Under Par !! mildly inaccurate table values corrected - S. ]