This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it... 1832UV21.TXT 1832UV21.ZIP 1832UV21.LMP - Ultra Violence This is a Compet-N/Doom2/10LVS Entry... Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 ! Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 - Only DooM II - "Episode 3" - Levels 21 thru' 30 Kills Items Secrets And TIME!! Health Armour LV 21 - 55% 55% 0% 1" 18 (106 115) LV 22 - 69% 85% 100% 1" 23 (104 34) LV 23 - 46% 36% 50% 1" 23 (137 138) LV 24 - 7% 0% 0% 1" 58 (108 110) LV 25 - 54% 50% 50% 1" 08 ( 32 49) LV 26 - 48% 36% 50% 1" 56 (133 144) LV 27 - 37% 18% 12% 2" 19 (200 80) LV 28 - 46% 20% 28% 1" 36 (200 200) LV 29 - 64% 80% 0% 3" 31 ( 89 123) LV 30 - 2400% 50% 0% 2" 00 ( 93 101) Total Time = 14" 272 14" + 4" 32 ------ TOTAL TIME = 18" 32 -------- Description: About the levels: Level 21: My best time ever. Level 22: Pretty good time. Level 23: Good time. Level 24: You can push this one a lot but you can also fall down... Level 25: Rather good time, I got stuck at some places though. Level 26: Time can be pushed, this level is hard though. Level 27: This one is a total disaster, time can be about 17 sec. better... Level 28: Time isn't that good, those bloody triggers. Level 29: Time is very good. Level 30: A total disaster as usual, gotta practice this one. Author: Daniel "Demonlord" Lindgren E-mail: