This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it... 3623TY21.TXT 3623TY21.ZIP 3623TY21.LMP - I'm Too Young to Die (Damn right!) This is a Compet-n/Doom2/10LVS Entry... Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 DooM II - "Episode 3" - Levels 21 to 30 Under Par /Over Kills Items Secrets And TIME!! Time Par Diff: LV 21 - 60% 72% 0% 2:20 4:00 Under -1:40 LV 22 - 85% 16% 66% 2:24 2:30 Under -0:06 LV 23 - 78% 65% 50% 3:02 3:00 Over +0:02 LV 24 - 18% 0% 0% 3:26 2:30 Over +0:56 LV 25 - 57% 50% 0% 2:06 2:30 Under -0:24 LV 26 - 64% 46% 0% 3:28 5:00 Under -1:32 LV 27 - 45% 16% 25% 4:49 5:30 Under -0:41 LV 28 - 37% 50% 14% 2:56 7:00 Under -4:04 LV 29 - 85% 84% 0% 8:21 5:00 Over +3:21 LV 30 - 1600% 80% 0% 3:31 3:00 Over +0:31 Total Time = 32:263 38:120 32:+ 38:+ 4:23 2:00 ----- ----- TOTAL TIME = 36:23 40:00 Under -3:37 ------- Description :-) There is a long pause at the beginning of level 29. That was when someone called. I had to go downstairs, pick up the phone and blow the person off nicely. (Saying "Shut up, I'm playing DooM" isn't a good excuse, at least not in the .US) Steven Towle