This is a DooM .LMP "Competition" Entry - Please forward it... LV32-o24.TXT LV32-o24.ZIP LV32-o24.LMP - UltraViolence Built(!) using Doom2 Version 1.666 Plus LMPC Ver 1.2 And Converted to Doom2 Version 1.9 SO Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 Doom2 - Level 32 - Grosse Kills 100% (Items 33) Secrets 33% and Time 00:24 ^^ ----- ONLY! Hi Doomers! Two new records. One for the normal COMPET-N and one just for fun for the new category "self-made with lmpc" The second: Just what is possible: "-Recorded" using DOOM ][ v 1.666 and LMPC v 1.2 Comment: I like the scene with the plasma rifle (9 cells, 8 hits, 7 dead) Had to wait at the exit some time (0.3 sec) until my BFG releases, except for that the time is optimum. Author: Kai-Uwe Humpert E-mail: