This is a DooM .LMP "COMPET-N/Doom2/Net-X/" Entry, Please forward it. 30UVNET2.TXT 30UVNET2.ZIP COOP1-30.LMP - Ultra Violence [ Admin. Notes :-) First of all this Recording takes over _TWO_HOURS_ to -PlayDemo ! Because it is so long you may have trouble getting Doom2 to start but if you only have a total of 8 Mb of RAM, it will NOT all load load into the -PlayDemo buffer, though you CAN still watch levels COOP1-26 _IF_ you can somehow split this .LMP at offset 2,083,957 and add an end-of-game byte (decimal 128 - 80 hex), such that the .LMP is 2,083,958 bytes long... Don't forget this end-of-game byte "€" or else your savegames may get overwritten if a -PlayDemo misses one and crashes at the very end... You have been warned. Copy /B SplitLMP.LMP + € COOP1-26.LMP [ Del SplitLMP.LMP ] Alternatively grab the previous "24UVNET2.ZIP" recording, as that WILL work on a PC with only 8 Mb of RAM, but get it SOON as it is likely to be deleted to save a bit of space. Also if you think that a co-operative recording of Doom2 would be boring to watch [ OKay it is a bit, to begin with ] then you have obviously not tried it... You can only pick up a Rocket-Launcher, Plasma Rifle, BFG9000 or Super Shotgun ONCE - unless you die - it is difficult NOT to frag each other AND there are MORE bigger and badder .NET monseters on maps 11, 12, 13... 15... 17... 19, 20... We're talking CyberDemon "cross-fire" here ! If I remember rightly dasa (grey/indigo) takes out most these BIG monsters - But Kai-Uwe (green) knows the way around a bit better. If you do not really want to watch the initial, ten or so, levels but would like to see some of the later better levels - you could start the .LMP from the beginning (the only way), and go away for a while... eat something, watch some TV ( not much difference ;-) or whatever... then return [ ~30 minutes ] for the later action ! Finally, if you want to "beat" this [ as if ] I would like to see it done FASTER - miss out all of the the non-vital areas - and do not ALL get killed on a level as simple as 24 ? ;-) But remember: -*> NO Respawning <*- !!! - If (or when) you die, you stay DEAD ! Really lastly, the/my prefered table format is to be found in the file "07UVNET2.TXT" though all the stats given here are even more detailed so they've been left as they were/are :-) Well done to Kai-Uwe and dasa too ! S.;-) aka. The "Judge". ] COOP1-30.TXT COOP1-30.ZIP COOP1-30.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 ALL 32 Levels of DooM II TWO-Player UltraViolence Overall frags: -1 (me : gazelle) 0 (him : dasa ) Authors: Kai-Uwe Humpert Sven Huth e-mail: Comment (gazelle): (Level 26) Where is my teleporter? Where? Aaaaaaaaaaaah! Watch it if you've got a free weekend. Or by -TimeDemo. And I've got twice the kills in 30 :-) As you could see in the statistics: we rule the first 10 levels, slow down up to 20, and survive the rest. Such are the times ;-) If nothing happens, I watch dasa with F12. So should you ;-) Comment (dasa) : I never played The Chasm so carefully... :-) Most of the Cyberdemons are mine: 9x4000=36000 Hitpoints Comment (gazelle): Why bother with them? ;-) Statistics: Ammo & health statistics ----------------------- Green (gazelle) Indigo (dasa) -------------- Level Time health armor bullets shells rockets cells Kills Items Secrets 1 86 97 16 8 7 40 29 55 40 0:37 91 0 75 14 0 47 66 0 60 2 66 51 40 41 12 140 52 23 0 1:14 185 179 125 48 4 47 43 38 100 3 160 200 134 52 22 460 33 10 0 1:17 200 65 162 0 3 147 60 20 100 4 158 77 204 58 22 260 49 37 33 1:08 152 165 131 19 3 147 43 57 66 5 195 183 304 63 27 293 37 42 66 2:25 94 67 140 36 7 158 56 42 33 6 127 136 344 32 27 268 41 47 66 2:41 137 148 172 40 17 409 51 11 33 7 200 200 400 42 36 368 42 42 100 1:14 161 164 372 66 37 600 57 42 0 8 191 162 400 86 17 288 55 60 42 2:38 126 132 400 80 48 480 36 20 57 9 131 49 400 96 2 68 55 46 33 4:10 181 181 335 90 47 560 38 42 66 10 200 125 322 52 19 268 39 34 38 4:57 200 200 374 96 58 300 54 50 55 11 121 87 392 42 29 468 27 36 66 5:02 200 148 340 76 46 200 66 54 33 12 83 52 358 68 20 428 63 40 25 3:56 200 86 400 78 33 440 33 60 75 13 200 200 400 98 34 428 47 50 75 5:35 112 46 400 94 29 500 47 26 25 14 142 200 400 83 39 428 35 0 0 3:20 200 115 358 58 27 600 57 50 0 15 167 178 400 99 49 468 31 44 36 9:25 167 169 148 64 32 599 62 55 54 31 184 186 245 100 58 348 43 3 25 2:24 200 152 264 80 29 559 50 53 75 32 179 182 99 100 58 600 45 33 0 1:11 200 200 285 96 39 600 39 66 100 16 200 144 149 100 57 600 34 20 50 4:39 200 200 286 88 50 580 41 80 50 17 200 200 107 100 53 600 40 33 100 6:36 199 123 269 86 49 420 53 58 0 18 200 200 108 82 69 580 43 20 50 5:21 200 200 400 4 74 594 43 59 50 19 200 174 378 37 63 580 35 63 33 8:11 200 200 296 40 64 520 64 31 66 20 195 163 338 34 73 480 37 20 42 6:13 200 200 400 44 84 338 56 71 42 21 200 200 400 69 84 480 25 55 0 3:12 106 116 400 49 68 278 54 44 0 22 129 134 400 38 54 580 23 0 33 2:46 200 57 400 40 66 198 73 62 66 23 100 26 264 0 62 400 35 59 50 5:24 155 19 286 44 72 198 38 31 50 24 200 200 394 55 73 260 62 57 75 10:49 127 138 170 42 84 75 35 40 25 25 143 155 74 98 73 460 14 0 50 4:16 170 178 378 90 74 475 74 100 50 26 0 0 280 37 72 440 28 31 25 7:37 169 174 372 77 80 455 61 62 75 27 200 101 400 92 14 120 6 5 37 9:13 186 47 400 96 35 309 92 91 62 28 102 100 400 100 18 80 30 12 28 4:18 195 118 400 78 27 229 63 64 71 29 94 82 238 100 20 320 18 32 0 7:38 77 91 50 98 7 257 72 64 0 30 180 138 248 94 53 (180) 800 33 0 1:39 154 156 400 98 27 580 400 22 0 Level Time health armor bullets shells rockets cells Kills Items Secrets So the times in % of the best in Cat-2 (best/our -> >100% better) of 04/03/96 Not quite comparable, better would be Net-1, and we didn't start with pistol! Time Best Our Percent Comment "Episode 1" : Entryway 0:49 0:37 132 0:49 is my time ;-) More weapons Underhalls 1:36 1:14 130 Have to look at the health The Gantlet 2:06 1:17 164 Nice coop The Focus 1:37 1:08 143 BFG? The Waste Tunnels 3:54 2:25 161 Nice Coop, but green has no key The Crusher 4:31 2:41 168 Spider myself, nice coop Dead Simple 1:01 1:14 82 Shotgun only Tricks & Traps 4:08 2:38 157 Dasa missed the Cyberdemon The Pit 8:19 4:10 200 Coop! Refueling Base 8:59 4:57 181 Coop! Ugly Revenants -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37:00 22:21 165 "Episode 2" : "O" Of Destruction 3:40 5:02 73 Bonus Cyberdemon The Factory 7:39 3:56 194 BFG for the Imps, Bonus Spider Downtown 8:02 5:35 144 Bonus Cyberdemon, rather coop The Inmost Dens 3:41 3:20 111 Rather linear Industrial Zone (11:15) 9:25 119 Bonus Cyberdemon, no plan? Suburbs 4:20 4:39 93 Nice single player (BFG!) Tenements 9:05 6:36 138 Bonus Cyberdemon The Courtyard 5:10 5:21 97 Also nice single player The Citadel 10:29 8:11 128 Complex, no plan (?!) Gotcha! 6:34 6:13 106 Bonus Cyberdemon (telefragged) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 69:55 59:18 118 "Episode 3" : Nirvana 3:48 3:12 119 Shells! The Catacombs 2:13 2:46 80 Small and ugly (21nm6652!) Barrels Of Fun 4:04 5:24 75 That was close (Health:31/36) The Chasm 8:30 10:49 79 Only through! Bloodfalls 2:53 4:16 68 Shells! The Abandoned Mines 5:35 7:37 73 Bonus Cyberdemon. Teleporter??? Monster Condo 8:49 9:13 96 I the secret, dasa the rest The Spirit World 3:37 4:18 84 Easy level (dasa: 3:41) The Living End 6:51 7:38 90 No BFG for Cyberdemon! Icon Of Sin 0:36 1:39 36 See coop30 for better time! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 46:56 56:52 83 Secret Levels: Wolfenstein (4:35) 2:24 191 Nice coop. Watch them fall! Grosse 0:45 1:11 63 But we got both 600 cells ;-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5:20 3:35 149 Overall 1-32 158:31 142:06 112 Quite good. Secrets we missed: Level 10: Perhaps the socket of the Megasphere Level 15: The back-teleporter by the stair. Don't know how to get on this sector Level 20: Supercharge near Plasma Gun. Dasa had 131% health and I was not there. Author: Kai-Uwe Humpert e-mail: