This is a "COMPET-N/doom2/net-x/" entry, please forward it. UV01NET2.TXT UV01NET2.ZIP UV01NET2.LMP Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 Level 01 - Entryway Kills Items Secrets Green 37 66 40 gazelle Grey 59 00 60 dasa Time: 0:24 Comment: One of the easiest maps of course. The deathmatch weapons help a lot. It would have been a 0:23 perhaps, if I hadn't missed my left turn and waited therefore at the plasma gun. And to kill the Imp at the exit requires some distance, I can't kill him fast with a rocket. But this .lmp is good, OK? Authors: Kai-Uwe Humpert Sven Huth E-mail: