This is a "COMPET-N/doom2/net-x/ entry", please forward it. UV10NET2.TXT UV10NET2.ZIP UV10NET2.LMP Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 Doom2 - Level 10 - Refueling Base Kills Items Secrets Green 42 62 50 gazelle Grey 47 27 50 dasa Time: 5:37 Comment: The Cybie didn't want to face me. Because I collected the first Armor, dasa collected the rest. Except for the cells, they were mine. And, we got all 19 secrets, mh, I thought there were 19, but how can it be 50/50 then? Authors: Kai-Uwe Humpert Sven Huth e-mail: