This is a DooM .LMP "COMPET-N/net-x" Entry - Please forward it... UV30Net2.TXT CO30-Q_D.TXT UV30Net2.ZIP CO30-Q_D.ZIP CO30-Q_D.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 Doom2 - Level 30 - Icon of Sin Kills Items Secrets G :-) - 0% 22% 0% I :-) - 100% 22% 0% OR... Kills 100% (Items 44) Secrets 0% and Time 0:32 or 0:33 [ ? ] ------------ (Green)Description: Took "dasa" with me on the elevator and we made it together. Looks quite nice to make it this way ;-) Authors: Green: Kai-Uwe "Nobody" Humpert (see lv30-036/lv30-033) Grey: Sven "dasa" Huth [ Admin. Note :-) Many thanks for this one, guys ! :-) :-) Be sure to watch this from BOTH perspectives... " LMPutil CO30-Q_D.LMP -Viewer " OR " CO30-D_Q.BAT " S.;-) aka. The "Judge". ]