This is a DooM .LMP "COMPET-N/doom2/speed" Entry - Please forward it... LV16-036.TXT LV16-036.ZIP LV16-036.LMP - Ultra Violence Recorded using Doom2 Version 1.9 Doom2 -PlayDemo with Version 1.9 Doom2 - Level 16 - Suburbs Kills 6% Items 0% !!! (Yes, without anything) Secrets 0% and Time 00:36 ----- "Description: Improved my own old record. Or did anybody make a 0:41 " "(LV16-040) Meanwhile? It's not quite perfect -> 2 shots at the exit..." Description: OKay, boys and girls, that's my last .LMP for this level. I got an email from "Anthe", that his brother made a 0:40 too. And from Simon (D1I Big ;-) that even these two were just not good enough. Somebody had made it in 0:39. So I tried and tried and four hours later I got this. You have to have some luck at the beginning with the shotgun. I shot the pistol to awaken the Imps on the spiral way, perhaps some of them leave the stairs meanwhile. So you need only one shot to run up there. (Or if you are a SKILLED player, you can sometimes make your way round on the outside. But because the radius decreases, you fall down more than reach the top. There I had some curious scenes: I shot at the 3 Imps; and they were dead or all 3 alive; or one of the 3 was already on the stairs blocking your way. I like rockets at this point - much easier. Then you can decide whether you take the invulnerable (you lose about 2 secounds, or more) or with more than 60% leave it where it is. Use the "northwall" (whatever you call it) to get some speed. Next thing are the demons. Sometimes a demon happend to open that door (?). Believe me, it happend. But only a few times (likelyhood 1 of 50 = 2%). Saves one second. Sometimes I missed the blue door running too far. Better if you have to kill only one spectre and no spectre should block your way when you want to jump down. If you are invulnerable the Archvile sometimes helps by accelerating, but he doesn't help you over the stair. Most of the time you get there faster than he could raise you. And so this was difficult. Try this level first with iddqd plus id(k)fa. In he older .LMP's, where you were invulnerable and/or supercharged, it was not so difficult. The Revenants punched at you but with a lot of health it didn't bother you. But this way you haven't got anything. First of all I tried to kill the left Ravenant, hoping the Imps would take care of the other. But even then it is easy to cross the other Imps, if they are awaken, and they are if you had lowered the second elevator and shot after that. You can not imagine how fast you lose your health even by some Imps. So, I think this way it is easier to survive. But you have to train hard to lower the elevator, step back, run forward and then making it to the other side. But as you can see, it is possible. I'm happy now. And anybody that wants to beat that record will soon get bored... except if he manages to get the red key from below. I tried it, but I think the key is too far away. Admin notes ? Author: Kai-Uwe Humpert E-mail: [ Admin. Notes ;-) Yes, just one. Now, you guys know that I'm happy to correct your "poor English" so that your "Descriptions" look OK but this one took me ages... Just something to think about, though this is nothing compared some OTHER - just like to make that quite clear - OTHER people that do not seem to even care about their own language... " are,you,reading,this,( Shot-Gun ) " OK pet peeve over... it's the .LMP's that are the main issue ! :-) S.;-) aka. The "Judge". ]